Monthly Archives: March 2023

March 24, 2023

March 24, 2023 Friends, Greetings. Two of our readings for Sunday morning, one about a valley of dry bones, remind us of how bleak and [...]

2023-03-24T16:29:00-04:00March 24th, 2023|

March 17, 2023

March 17, 2023 Friends, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." (Psalm 23)  God is the one who cares and provides. God [...]

2023-03-18T10:18:00-04:00March 18th, 2023|

March 10, 2023

March 10, 2023 Friends, Greetings on a cool and wet Friday afternoon. As I take a moment to share a few important announcements, I [...]

2023-03-11T06:47:10-05:00March 11th, 2023|

March 3, 2023

March 3, 2023 Friends in Christ, Our Mission: "Love God, Love Others, Reach Out" The Church Campus that Never Sleeps Our community of faith [...]

2023-03-03T14:32:45-05:00March 3rd, 2023|
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