Welcome to Sea Island
Welcome to Sea Island
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:3
We welcome you in the name of Christ!
Through the years, one of the most frequent comments we hear from newcomers is that they were first attracted to Sea Island Presbyterian church because of its architecture and natural beauty. What kept them here was the warm spirit of our Christian hospitality and the peace they experienced in our sanctuary by way of our worship and fellowship.
We invite you to join us for Worship
Each week we gather together for Christian Worship through music, Scripture, confession, preaching, and prayer. We offer two different services each week.
Early Worship Service
Sunday at 8:30 am
Mid Morning Worship Service
Sunday at 10:30
What to Expect at Sea Island Presbyterian Church
At Sea Island, you can expect warm Christian fellowship with people who are glad to be together. Our church family worships with joy, unified in Christ through traditional expressions of faith. We follow the liturgical seasons of the year using the lectionary readings for the day to help us listen more closely to the voice of Christ. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. We are always glad when others join us!
When You Arrive
There is plenty of parking all around the Sea Island campus. Our greeters will welcome you as you arrive and provide a bulletin for the worship service. Face masks are optional, and hand sanitizing stations are available.
If you have any questions before you arrive, please call the church office at (843) 525‑0696.