The Evening Psalms from the Daily Lectionary for March 28 are Psalm 31 and Psalm 143. From Psalm 31, “I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.'” My times are in your hand, let your face shine upon your servant.” And from Psalm 143, “Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. You are my refuge. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path.”

The coronavirus has now touched members and friends of the Sea Island congregation along with extended family members and friends within the community. As we lift our hearts on behalf of Pete and Nancy Pratt at MD Anderson in Houston, and Nancy Reilly in the loss of her mother, Sybil Mashburn, as we pray for the healing and recovery for those who are ill with the virus, and those who are on the front lines rendering ongoing medical care, for those who have been laid off from their jobs, for all who are tired and weary, may we remain steadfast adhering to the guidance of our public health officials, medical professionals, civic leaders and government agencies. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face and stay home if at all possible.

Finally, the links for tomorrow’s worship service will be emailed to you early in the morning, some time before 10 o’clock. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Richard Norris, Andrew Byrd and Mary Jo Dievendorf for sharing in the service. What generous and tealented people. I also wish to express appreciation to Aaron Miller and Clay Wallace who work with the equipment and technology in order that we can unite our hearts in worship on Sunday mornings. It might interest you to know that it takes Aaron 4 to 5 hours to prepare the YouTube production and Clay spends hours with the sound equipment, all volunteer. Amazing. You will not want to miss the Children’s Homily, which was not included in last week’s service.

In closing, the coronavirus continues to spread in the state of South Carolina, Beaufort Country and our community. Make the most of tomorrow, the 5th Sunday of Lent, the Lord’s Day, a day for worship and rest. It is imperative that we are prepared for next week physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. See you in the morning. In Christ +

Steve Keeler, Pastor

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