Since the fall of 1988 when Sea Island was chartered as a new church development of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery (Presbyterian Church USA, she has welcomed visitors and guests, friends and neighbors, seekers and “nones” (a new category of folks who do not identify with any one faith tradition) in the spirit that all of us are God’s children, and whether we realize it or not, a significant portion of life is devoted to searching for a place we can call our spiritual home.

Sea Island is not a perfect community of faith, but it is a church family of “ragamuffins” always ready to give thanks for the past, celebrate the present and embrace the future in the context of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.

Summer Days at SIPC Volunteers
Orientation for Wednesday, 11:30 am, Room 206
Volunteers for this Wednesday with our children are invited to a brief orientation workshop following the second worship service. A light lunch will be provided. Haven’t signed up yet to help? Come and join us … there is a place for everyone as we prep for another successful summer season developed for the young people of this community of faith.

Summer Days for Children at Sea Island
June 15 & 22 (9:00 to 12:00)
July 13 & 27 (9:00 to 12:00)
August 3 (9:00 to 2:00 pm) Waterslide Wednesday
Summer Days at Sea Island, as you have read, begins this Wednesday, June 15, 9:00 am, for all children of the church and friends. There will be scripture lessons, games, stories, art, music, and other activities to support their growth in the Christian faith and to also learn the importance of having access to clean water and ways in which even children can help people around the globe who do not have access to clean water.

POC: Kay Keeler at 843.812.4207 and/or Clara Partridge at 843. 252.6199.

Wee Kirk Night
Wednesday, June 15, 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Grab your newspaper and your Bible as we sit down for “Soup & Sandwich Session” beginning at 5:00 pm. (Bring your own sandwich.) Last Wednesday, nearly twenty of us gathered around the table, broke bread and talked about issues close to our hearts using insights and guidance provided by the Psalms. This is not an exercise in academics, but more of a plunge into practical theology and how the Bible continues to speak to critical issues of the day. You are welcome to join us.

Children’s Church
Children’s Church is available for children ages 4 thru 11 and offered at both services. Lessons are provided that parallel the liturgical seasons of the year enabling our children to grow and mature in the Christian faith. Please contact Clara Partridge at 843.252.6199 if you would like to learn more about this ministry and the possibility of serving as an adult leader and volunteer.

Quilters and Wannabe Quilters
SIPC is starting to quilt on July 9. We will be starting with a four-patch quilt. For the first session all you have to bring is your machine, tools and a lunch. We will gather from 9:00 am to after lunch. Please feel free to bring any show and tell. Contact Sharon Kimber at 843.521.7339 or Jo Beaver at 319.230.5786 to register.

Safe-Haven After-School Tutoring Ministry
Anyone who might be interested in volunteering one, two, three or four afternoons from 3:00 to 5:00 pm during the 2022-23 school year, please text Kay Keeler at 843.812.4206 or speak to her on a Sunday morning. We are looking at supporting and tutoring children within a one-mile radius of our church campus.

The Tragedy of Uvalde: What can we do? How can we help?
The Uvalde Presbyterian Church has a special discretionary fund to assist families who continue to recover and heal from the mass shooting at the local elementary school that resulted in the loss of 19 innocent children and 2 teachers. Financial gifts to support this fund may be offered via a check to the Sea Island Presbyterian Church and earmarked “Uvalde.” Funds will be forwarded to the FPC, Uvalde where they will be dispersed at the discretion of the pastor and Session Council. +