As you find a place in the pew this morning, it isn’t important who you are or where you come from. What is important is knowing that whether you are here as a member, friend or guest, inquirer, seeker, agnostic or unbeliever, Jesus welcomes each and every one of us and it is his friendship that will hopefully bring us back again. May the peace of Christ be with you.

Who We Are, What We Believe, & How We Support the Ministry of Jesus
9:30 am in Room 208

Will Donovan and Steve Keeler are leading a series of classes during the summer months for those among us who would like to learn more about the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the reformed tradition and how we fit into the overall scheme of things within the global body of Christ. Whether you are a visitor or inquirer or a long-time member of SIPC, you are invited to come and peek. We try not to be too boring, and we like to engage those around the table in conversation and dialogue. Come and see!

Summer Days for Children at Sea Island

June 22 (9:00 to 12:00)
July 13 & 27 (9:00 to 12:00)

August 3 (9:00 to 2:00 pm)
Waterslide Wednesday

We are off to a good start with 21 children, 5 youth, and 13 adults in attendance this past Wednesday. The children heard a Bible story, talked about it in small groups, played games outside, one a water relay carrying water through an obstacle course to relate to the people who have to carry clean water from streams to their homes, painted t-shirts, did a clean/dirty water experiment, sang, and ended with a story about a little boy not as fortunate as we are to have running water in his home. We meet again this Wednesday, June 22, as we continue to “Make a Splash” with new knowledge about how the Bible teaches us how to live, even as a five-year-old!!!

POC: Kay Keeler at 843.812.4207 and/or Clara Partridge at 843. 252.6199.

Our Mission for Clean Water
A Coin Collection Bottle is in the Narthex for donations in coins or bills or checks for the Summer Day’s mission and goal to fill the bucket by August 3rd to contribute to water systems creating clean water for all. Children joyfully dropped the first coins in on Wednesday. The Bottle will be at the church office during the week, as well, to collect donations. Thank you!

Wee Kirk Night
Wednesday, June 22, 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Grab your newspaper and your Bible as we sit down for “Soup & Sandwich Session” beginning at 5:30 pm. (Bring your own sandwich.) Last Wednesday, we gathered around the table, broke bread and talked about issues close to our hearts using insights and guidance provided by the Psalms in addition to passages in Deuteronomy, Romans and the gospel of Mark. This is not an exercise in academics, but more of a plunge into practical theology and how the Bible continues to speak to critical issues of the day. You are invited to join us.

Montreat Worship & Music Conference
June 26 thru July 1

Prayers please for the group of 24 children, youth, and adults heading to Montreat on Saturday the 25th for the Worship and Music Conference that begins next Sunday. We will join with others from around the country in worship, prayer, song, and fun activities throughout the week. Watch Sea Island Presbyterian FB for daily pictures and doings. Susan Seckinger returns this weekend after serving as a Small Group Leader for the first Montreat Youth Conference of the summer season. Our group attends in the month of July.

Quilters and Wannabe Quilters
SIPC is starting to quilt on July 9. We will be starting with a four-patch quilt. For the first session all you have to bring is your machine, tools and a lunch. We will gather from 9:00 am to after lunch. Please feel free to bring any show and tell. Contact Sharon Kimber at 843.521.7339 or Jo Beaver at 319.230.5786 to register.

Safe Haven After School Tutoring Ministry
Our Board of Directors has begun planning for the 2022-23 academic year as we prepare to work with students, Kindergarten thru 2nd grade. We plan to have (8) volunteers each day, Monday thru Thursday, (4) “Shepherds” as they move with their group and assist in the lessons, and (4) serving as “lead teachers” in stations located throughout the Christian education wing. Cassandra Menning and Jean Norris are preparing the curriculum and academic activities. If interested in one, two, three or all four days, please contact Kay Keeler at 843-812-4207. Those who have expressed an interest will be receiving emails about the background checks, training, schedules, etc. One of our past students asked the other day, “When can I go back to the church?” SIPC is providing a Safe Haven for these children and we remain thankful for your support, prayers, and contributions.