Welcome to All

Whether you are an active member, friend of the church, or a pilgrim trying to find one’s way home, we’re all ragamuffins and each of us are welcomed this morning in the name of Jesus Christ. You are invited to access our Web and Facebook pages where you can read about the life, work, and mission of Sea Island and to also register by way of the Friendship Folder. May the Lord bless and keep you.

In the Hospital

Jerry Linn, Beaufort Memorial Hospital
Marion Woodbury, d/c from Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston

Assisted Living

Lucy Evans (mother of Dene McCain), Helena House, Port Royal
Alice Harvey (grandmother of Weslie Keeler), Sprenger House, Port Royal
Susan Phifer, National Health Center, Okatie, SC
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger House, Port Royal

Wee Kirk Night
Wednesday, August 24

5:30 to 7:00 pm, Soup & Sandwich, Where Your Treasure Is:
Psalms that Summon You from Self to Community), Room 208

Faith Formation Small Groups
Begins Sunday, September 11

Meeting from 9:30 to 10:20 am, we anticipate the availability of two adult groups, one group applying lessons and stories of the Bible to current events and the other reading and exploring the Confession of ’67. Options will also be available for youth and children. Our children and youth will also meet on Sundays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm for music, art, dance & drama (MADD), Bible study, fellowship and recreation with a meal provided.

Beaufort Walk for Water

This year’s Walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 9:00 am, at the Live Oaks Park in Port Royal, as the Sea Island team walks in partnership with hundreds of other passionate community members. All you need to do is visit: WalkforWater.com/BeaufortCo and click on “Find a Team.” and insert Sea Island Presbyterian Church. Be sure to scroll down. Add your name and register. Then start contacting your neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, and anyone else you know to join you. Sea Island Presbyterian Church will sponsor the first 20 walkers. Use the promo code of SIP2022. See you there!

Presbyterian Women (PW)
Theme for the Year: Holy Sabbath

Attention all women of the church: On Thursday, September 8, 6:00 pm, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a covered dish supper and the kick-off for the 2022/23 small groups (circles) programming. Whether you have been a part of a small group circle in the past or wish to learn more about this area of community life within the Sea Island congregation, this should prove to be a good starting point as more people begin to feel comfortable gathering with a group of people in a public setting. Everyone is asked to bring a side or dessert of their choosing. Meat and drinks will be provided.

People often ask, “What is the purpose of Presbyterian Women?” PW helps us realize that we are a part of the world and we have an opportunity to expand from our individual prayer life and study to small groups (circles) and the greater church in the work and ministry of the PCUSA as the wider church pursues justice and peace in the name of Jesus Christ and seeks to build an inclusive, caring community.

Sign-up and registration sheets can be found in the Gathering Room. For those who would like to be a part of this fellowship, study, and working group, connected with other PW groups from around the presbytery and the Synod of the South Atlantic (Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina), your annual cost is only $25.00. Your fee covers the Bible study book, dues for your small group circle, and financial support for mission work sponsored by Presbyterian Women. There will also be a sheet for those wanting to attend the covered dish on the 8th. We are hopeful that the Fellowship Hall will be filled with all age groups within the church. Child-care will be provided.

Christian Education
Survey Coming

Since March 2022, secular organizations and churches have experienced significant paradigm shifts. Both still feel the effects of the pandemic. To better meet the needs of the Sea Island congregation, a survey is under construction and will be available (via email) to members and friends of the church. Your answers will aid members of the Christian education committee and our pastors in developing opportunities for the 2022/23 year (September thru May.) We thank you advance for your participation and support as we continue to make adjustments to an ever-changing landscape.