Fall 2022


Session ………………………………………………… Craig Norris

……………………………………………… Kerry Bunton, Brian Chapman, Joanne Golcher, Debbie Mitchell


a. Suggest/Identify nominees for Church Officers …… September 25 – October 5 (Nominations from the congregation)

b. Nominating Committee selects nominees …………. October 5 – October 17

c. Announce Nominees for Church Office …………… October 19

d. Election – Congregational Meeting ……………….. October 23

e. Officer Training …………………………………… November

f. Examination of Officer’s-Elect …………………… December 12

g. Ordination/Installation, Class of 2021 ………….. January 9, 2023


The Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting to the congregation a slate of candidates for the office of elder and deacon. Colleen Bible has served one term as an elder and is eligible to serve another three-year term, the Class of 2025. Linda Bailey is also eligible for another three-year term on the Diaconate. Class of 2025. In accordance with church polity, Johnny Harvey, Clara Partridge and Billy Seckinger have fulfilled two terms of office and are required to rotate off the Session Council for a period of one year before they can be considered for another term. This is also the case for Peggy Burttram and Richard Ethier. The vacancy in the Class of 2022 was created when Paula Storey relocated to the state of Indiana. Thankful for the faithful service of those who have given of their time, energy and imagination to the people of this community of faith, the NC will be looking to recommend four candidates for the office of elder, Class of 2025 and four candidates for the office of deacon, Class of 2025.


Nominees for the Office of Elder or Deacon shall be persons who bear witness to their faith in Jesus Christ by way of regular worship with the community of faith; who participate in the work, mission and ministry of the church; who demonstrate the gospel in the world; and who financially support the ministry of Jesus Christ by way of the Sea Island Presbyterian Church. All officers must adhere to the essentials of church government as outlined by the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA). These officers shall be men and women from among the active membership of the church, giving fair representation to persons of different ages and all ethnic groups within the congregation.


It is the practice of the Sea Island Presbyterian Church to nominate an exact slate for new officers. Potential candidates for church office are interviewed by the Nominating Committee regarding the willingness to serve and their commitment to the vows and duties of their respective office.
Nominees for Church Office will be announced on October 19 and presented to the congregation for formal election at a Congregational Meeting on October 23. Nominations from the floor may be made at this time even though all those being presented on the slate have been previously nominated by members of the congregation. A nomination made from the floor must have the nominee’s permission and willingness to serve prior to submitting his or her name.

Before making a floor nomination, please check with the person you wish to nominate to make sure he/she is willing to serve and work. Since those nominated from the floor will not have been screened by the Nominating Committee’s normal process, the responsibility for the screening (i.e. a dedicated and willing worker, and financial supporter of the life and ministry of the church as it supports the ongoing work of the gospel) rests with the person making the nomination.


Nominations for the office of Elder and Deacon will be received by the Nominating Committee through Wednesday October 5. You can make your nominations using the online form below. If you prefer a paper form, they are availabe in the Narthex and Reception area. Put it in the offering basket or mail it to the church office or submit it to one of the members of the committee, Attention: Nominating Committee. You may also submit via email. The officers presently serving are listed below.


Class of 2022: Colleen Bible, Johnny Harvey,* Clara Partridge,* Billy Seckinger*
Class of 2023: Doug Crowley, Asher Howell, Craig Norris, Sally Dalrymple
Class of 2024: Debra Daughtery, Will Donovan, Robbie Ferguson, Graham Holcombe
Class of 2025:


Class of 2022: Linda Bailey, Peggy Burttram,* Richard Ethier,* Vacancy
Class of 2023: Nancy Fu, Jeff Reynolds, Hailey Seckinger, Chris Uhall
Class of 2024: Chris Crooke, Sam Keeler, Kerry Mayo, Linda Mohr
Class of 2025:

* Ineligible having served two consecutive terms

Nominations for Church Officers – Deadline is October 5