Stephen Ministry

One-on-One Christian Care in Difficult Times

If you are in need of a caring Christian who will listen, empathize, encourage, pray, provide confidential care, and patiently support you as you work through a crisis or difficult time, a Stephen Minister can provide one-on-one Christian care. God does not intend for you to struggle alone. Consider allowing a Stephen Minister to walk with you on your journey to wholeness.

What is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry is a Christian Lay Ministry that utilizes members of the Church who have been trained to provide Christian Care for those of special need and care, and in times of pain and suffering. This ecumenical ministry covers the United States and involves over 50 different denominations (Roman Catholic and Protestant). Our congregation at SIPC has a team of over 20 well-trained lay caregivers to work with our pastors in providing caring ministry to people who are hurting. Stephen Ministry is Christ caring for people through people.

Who Are Stephen Ministers?

Stephen Ministers are members of the congregation who are recruited, selected, trained, commissioned and supervised by Stephen Leaders to provide one-to-one Christian Care to persons in need. They are typically assigned to one care receiver at a time and meet with that person for about one hour each week. Stephen Ministers usually serve for two years, which includes an initial 50 hours of training followed by twice-monthly supervision and continuing education sessions.

Who are Care Receivers?

A Care Receiver is a person experiencing a life crisis or challenge who receives the caring ministry of a Stephen Minister. The challenges of care receivers may include divorce, loss of a loved one, hospitalization, terminal illness, loneliness, relocation, unemployment, retirement, the empty nest syndrome, or other life transitions. Care Receivers and Stephen Ministers are carefully matched by the Stephen Minister Referral Coordinator. A person can become a Care Receiver by contacting one of our Stephen Leaders listed below. Care Receivers and all information shared with a Stephen Minister are kept absolutely confidential.

For more information, please contact Jodie Linn (843) 476-1176.