March 2

Pastoral Care, Assisted Care Living

Ursala Barrett, Helena Square, Port Royal Lucy Evans, Helena Square; Port Royal; Herb Jarvis, Franke Senior Living Center, Mt. Pleasant, SC; Brenda Leming, Indigo Hall, James Island; Trudi Peevey, The Retreat, Lady’s Island.

Prayers of Intercession

Dave Brown (father of Brooke Coyne), Jan (Lisa) Crawford, Bruce Crook, Mark (Mary) Dievendorf, Brian (Donna) Haupt, Doug (Ann) Hecht, Steve (Nancy) Kessel, Booge Lee (great nephew of Steve & Addie Lee), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray (Sally) Kneisel, Janell McClure, Cassandra Menning, Catherine Meeker (June Meeker’s daughter in law), Kirby Murdaugh (friend of Darryl & Kim Poovey) Gary Peterson (father of Sally Dalrymple), Pete (Nancy) Pratt, Doris Reynolds (mother of Barry Reynolds), Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus (family friend of the Dievendorf’s), Gail Watson, & Shirley Yoakum.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by their Stephen Leaders (Steve Keeler and Jodie Linn) to offer care to people who are hurting. A Stephen Minister typically has one care receiver at a time and meets with that person once a week for about an hour. Care receivers are individuals in the congregation or community who are going through a crisis or life difficulty. Potential care receivers first meet with a pastor or Stephen Leader, who assesses their needs for care and matches them with a Stephen Minister. The caring relationship lasts for as long as the need persists. This ministry of care is available to all members and friends of the church.

Annual Men’s Retreat
Pair-o-Dice Island, April 4, 5 & 6

Retreat Leader: The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb, Charlotte, NC
Theme: Salt & Light based on the Sermon on the Mount & the Great Commission
POC: Mike Yoakum at or 843.263.6133
This retreat is located in a very unique setting as we gather on a beautiful island surrounded by the natural beauty of the low country. From Friday evening to Sunday noon the time flies by as we break bread together, find ourselves spiritually nourished as we sit around a nice warm fire with a gentle breeze keeping the sand gnats away, enjoying the grace of warm Christian fellowship.

Children’s Ministry
MADD: Music, Art, Drama & Dance; Bible Lessons & /Recreation
Mid & Senior High Youth Ministry

Children and youth activities are in full swing until Easter, meeting every Sunday. In the coming weeks, youth will be notified if they are meeting off campus which they occasionally do. All of our young people meet this evening on the church campus from 5:00 to 6:30 with a meal provided by the Ganas Family. Thank you to Ray and Jackie! Plans are underway for this summer’s Montreat Worship & Music Conference and the Montreat Youth Conference.

Church-Wide Oyster Roast
Friday, March 7, 5:30 to 7:00 pm

POC: Sharron Kendall, 843.271.3991;
Your Saltshaker, Church Supper Club Representative

Ash Wednesday
March 5, 6:00 pm, The Sanctuary

“Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” For more than 1500 years, Christians have used these words to mark the day as they receive a sign of the cross on their foreheads. A 40-day journey begins as we follow Jesus into the desert where he was led by the Spirit.

Come & Sew Your Own Prayer Square
Saturday, March 8, Room 208, beginning 9:00 am

You are invited to bring (2) pieces of cloth, 6 x 6 inches, four 12-inch pieces of ¼ inch ribbons where volunteers will be prepared to sew a Prayer Square so that when we offer our daily prayers we may be lifted up in hope, surrounded by joy, graced with peace and wrapped in the love of Christ. Please call Jo Beaver at 319.230.5786 to reserve your spot in line. +

1st Sunday in Lent, March 9
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Blue T-Shirt Sunday
Daylight Savings Time Begins

The Season of Lent
Registration for a New Wednesday Kirk Night Series

Wednesday evenings, March 12 through April 16, have been scheduled for us to break bread and explore the theme of Christian hope. Suppers will be provided by Upper Crust and Carolina Tavern. Your “Daily Guidepost” is available today in the Narthex. Children’s books, one per family, will also be available as a gift to our families. Please register today in the Narthex or the Gathering Room.