March 9

Pastoral Care, Assisted Care Living

Ursala Barrett, Helena Square, Port Royal Lucy Evans, Helena Square; Port Royal; Herb Jarvis, Franke Senior Living Center, Mt. Pleasant, SC; Brenda Leming, Indigo Hall, James Island; Trudi Peevey, The Retreat, Lady’s Island.

Prayers of Intercession

Dave Brown (father of Brooke Coyne), Jan (Lisa) Crawford, Bruce Crook, Mark (Mary) Dievendorf, Brian (Donna) Haupt, Doug (Ann) Hecht, Steve (Nancy) Kessel, Booge Lee (great nephew of Steve & Addie Lee), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray (Sally) Kneisel, Janell McClure, Cassandra Menning, Catherine Meeker (June Meeker’s daughter in law), Kirby Murdaugh (friend of Darryl & Kim Poovey) Gary Peterson (father of Sally Dalrymple), Pete (Nancy) Pratt, Doris Reynolds (mother of Barry Reynolds), Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus (family friend of the Dievendorf’s), Gail Watson, & Shirley Yoakum.

Stephen Ministry

In the effort to provide support and encouragement for anyone who might need a listening ear and a prayer addressing a specific need, a Stephen Minister will be available in the sanctuary following the 8:30 and 10:30 worship services. Please keep in mind that our Stephen Ministers have received 50 hours of specialized training and commissioned in the life of the church to share the mercy, healing and love of Christ. All information shared is strictly confidential. This ministry is approved and endorsed by the Session Council.

Annual Men’s Retreat
Pair-o-Dice Island, April 4, 5 & 6

Retreat Leader: The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb, Charlotte, NC
Salt & Light based on the Sermon on the Mount & the Great Commission
Mike Yoakum at or 843.263.6133

This retreat is located in a very unique setting as we gather on a beautiful island surrounded by the natural beauty of the low country. From Friday evening to Sunday noon the time flies by as we break bread together, find ourselves spiritually nourished as we sit around a nice warm fire with a gentle breeze keeping the sand gnats away, enjoying the grace of warm Christian fellowship.

Sausage & Biscuit Breakfast
Gathering Room in support of (2) Montreat Conferences
Worship & Music in June; Youth Conference in July

Following a tradition that was established several years ago, our youth are providing breakfast this morning at a modest cost to support our (24) youth and children making their annual sojourn to Montreat for spiritual formation, inspiration, re-creation and the experience of Christian community. As always, we are grateful for your support and encouragement.

Spaghetti Dinner after the 10:30 am Worship Service on March 30
Seder Meal provided by our Youth & Children, Wednesday, April 9
Hymn Sing led by Youth & Children, April 27, Breakfast & Lunch

Children’s Ministry
MADD: Music, Art, Drama & Dance; Bible Lessons & /Recreation
Mid & Senior High Youth Ministry

Children and youth activities are in full swing until Easter, meeting every Sunday. In the coming weeks, youth will be notified if they are meeting off campus which they occasionally do. All of our young people meet this evening on the church campus from 5:00 to 6:30 with a meal provided by the Keller Family! Yum! Thank you Eli and Jen! Plans are underway for this summer’s Montreat Worship & Music Conference and the Montreat Youth Conference.

The Season of Lent
Wednesday Kirk Night Series

We begin this Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall with a 5:30 supper provided by Upper Crust and David Blake. The menu will include Chicken Alfredo, Tossed Salad, and Garlic Bread, tea, Coffee and Water. Following supper, our small groups will meet in in the wing of the Fellowship Hall with the other two meeting in the Christian Education Wing. The “Daily Guidepost” will serve as our curriculum. Children’s books, one per family, remain available. The Christian education committee has received a good response to this opportunity by way of around 60 folks who have pre-registered. Yeah!

Presbyterian Women Small Groups
Thursday, Room 208, 10 am & 6 pm

Join us as we continue our inspiring journey through “Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation” by Patricia K. Tull. Together, we’ll dive deeper into God’s call to love our neighbors and care for the world around us. Come be part of a meaningful conversation with Presbyterian Women—where faith, fellowship, and action come together. We can’t wait to see you there!