Presbyterian Women

 Our “Presbyterian Women” will be collecting a special Birthday Offering through the month of May. The Birthday Offering began in 1922 as a challenge for women to give. Over the years, PW has contributed over $37 million to improve lives. The world has changed over the century, but needs have not. The funds will support the installation of water systems, construction projects, purchasing transportation and implementing large projects that are awarded to communities of faith helping women and children who are in need. A basket is available in the Narthex and marked for the Birthday Offering. Give as you are blessed. Thank you!

Presbyterian Women, women of the church, will enjoy a covered dish dinner in the Fellowship Hall on Thursday, May 26 at 5:30 pm. The Rev. Becky Albright will share the lesson and there will be lots of good food and fellowship. We will end our time together with a final tally of the Birthday Offering. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Children and Youth

Our elementary school children and mid-high youth will combine forces on Sunday, May 22, with pizza and games. Even if you have not been a part of the regular Sundays we invite all first through eighth graders to join us.

Summer Days for Kindergartners – 6th Graders

Summer Days at Sea Island are returning for the months of June, July and August. Our first gathering is scheduled for Wednesday, June 9, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Sign up sheets and more information will be available next week. Summer Days (June 9 & 22, July 13 & 27, August 3) are provided for rising kindergarten students through sixth graders. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Clara Partridge (843.252.6199) or Kay Keeler at 843.812.4207.

Hospital Update

Happy news to report. Sabra Fermin has been discharged from MUSC-Charleston and is now resting at home after a month and a half of treatment and convalescence in the hospital. As I type, Ralph is on the way to a local pharmacy to pick up a number of prescriptions. Their infant grandson, Elliott, had successful surgery yesterday at MUSC, Children’s Hospital in the NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit but is one day closer to coming home.

We pray for Johanne (Ron) Golcher who is hospitalized at Beaufort Memorial in addition to family, friends and neighbors; community, church and world; and the healing, comfort, strength and hope for all.

Peace and Grace +