Greetings in the Lord. Please be advised that the Session Council decided this afternoon to suspend Sunday morning worship services through March 29 with the intention of re-evaluating the situation on April 1. At the present time, it appears that the course and intensity of the coronavirus is uncertain as cases mount across the United States. We will have to wait and see what we are able to do as we approach Palm Sunday and the celebration of Easter, and beyond. As we proceed through the next two weeks it is important to keep in mind everyone’s health, safety and well-being. What we are dealing with is unprecedented in scope. It is worth noting that the health-care agencies and medical professionals have the full support of the Session Council and their effort to “mitigate” this growing crisis.

In the meantime, you are encouraged to check your email traffic on a daily basis for communications from the church office. In addition to reading the Daily Lectionary that is available of the Presbyterian Church (USA) website, you will receive a devotion each day as we make our way through the season of Lent. As the evening shadows begin to surround us, may we find our rest in the wisdom of the Psalmist, “I remember your name in the night, O Lord, Let your steadfast love become my comfort.” (Psalm 119)

Looking to next Sunday, a Worship Bulletin with Insert along with Pastoral Care Joys and Concerns will be emailed on Friday afternoons. A written homily will be provided as well. You are invited to use all four on Sunday mornings as we share in family worship, and offer our praise and prayers to the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The two attachments below include the order of worship for this morning and the sermon provided by Richard Norris, Lay Pastor.

Tonight, as seek seek rest and prepare for the week ahead, may we “remain calm in a time of distress, be ready to extend compassion to those who are suffering, and pray for the healing of the world.” You have my contact information below. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. +

Steve Keeler, Pastor

Daily Emails from Sea Island

Please check your email traffic each day for important announcements from the church.

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