
Greetings in the Lord. As we enjoyed a different congregational rhythm during the summer months, we now prepare to make another transition into our fall program. We hope that you find a place and connect to one of the following venues where you can experience the encouragement of Christian fellowship and growth in your faith. Please keep in mind that as we begin, there may be a few adjustments and necessary tweaks along the way.

Sunday, September 11
This Sunday, in addition to the 8:30 and 10:30  worship services, small groups for children, youth and adults will be available throughout the Christian education wing beginning at 9:30 am. The adult group meeting in Room 208 will be examining and discussing some of the themes associated with the morning readings from the Old and New Testament with the other adult group meeting in Room 206 for a dive into the Confession of 1967 as it addresses our faith in relation to current day issues and problems. Curious and inquiring minds are always welcome and appreciated.

Following the second worship service, our local Scout Troop, which meets Monday evenings on our church campus, is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner with tossed salad in our Fellowship Hall. This is a fundraiser to support future projects and camping trips around the low country. May you come to church with an empty stomach and make your way home full and satisfied as we support our young people within the Beaufort community.

Finally, our children and youth will gather Sunday afternoon at 5:00 pm on the church campus as they take on their parents and advisors in a friendly but competitive Kickball Match. Pastor Steve has already been appointed captain of the youth and children’s team who are the early favorites for victory. The Match will be followed by a supper menu of hamburgers and hotdogs with all of your favorite condiments. We will close the evening with a devotion to carry us through the week.

Tuesday, September 13
The Sea Island ringers begin their new season with a rehearsal starting at 6:00 pm in the wing of the Fellowship Hall. Newcomers are always welcome!

Wednesday, September 14
Wee Kirk Night will feature Soup & Salad beginning at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall (we provide the soup and you bring your own sandwich.) Afterwards, starting around 6:00 pm, in response to the recent congregational survey, we will incorporate hymn singing, prayer, a mid-week devotion and an activity to enhance our fellowship.  Members of the Kirk Choir will gather in the Choir Room somewhere between and 7:00 and 7:15 pm to complete the evening.

Saturday, September 17
Members and friends of Sea Island will make their way to Live Oak Park in Port Royal early Saturday morning to participate in and support the annual Walk for Water. As you walk, a small group inclusive of your pastoral staff and those representing your Session Council will be attending a meeting of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery at the Yeamans Park Presbyterian Church in Hannahan, SC.

May each of you have a safe and wonderful weekend, and may the Lord bless and keep you, your family, loved ones and friends. +