Welcome to All
Whether you are an active member, friend of the church, or a pilgrim trying to find one’s way home, we’re all ragamuffins and each of us are welcomed this morning in the name of Jesus Christ. You are invited to access our Web and Facebook pages where you can read about the life, work, and mission of Sea Island and to also register by way of the Friendship Folder. May the Lord bless and keep you.

In the Hospital
Marion (Eleanor) Woodbury, Medical University of SC, Charleston, ICU

Assisted Living
Lucy Evans (mother of Dene McCain), Helena House, Port Royal
Alice Harvey (grandmother of Weslie Keeler), Sprenger House, Port Royal
Susan Phifer, National Health Center, Okatie, SC
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger House, Port Royal

Safe-Haven Volunteer Training
Tuesday, September 6, 10:00 am
Come prepared to hear and learn about the new set up, what leaders and shepherds will be doing, and how we can impact a number of young children as they in turn will impact and make a difference in our lives. This after school tutoring ministry is scheduled to begin Monday, September 19.

Presbyterian Women (PW)
Thursday, September 8, 6:00 pm
Covered Dish Supper, Fellowship Hall
All women of the church are cordially invited to a covered dish supper this coming Thursday in the Fellowship Hall. The supper is sponsored by the 2022/23 circle/small groups. Not a part of one yet? Come and see, come and hear, some and enjoy. We look forward to seeing you.

Faith Formation Small Groups
Begins Sunday, September 11
Meeting from 9:30 to 10:20 am, it looks like we will enjoy two adult groups, one group applying lessons and stories of the Bible to current events and the other reading and exploring the Confession of ’67. Options will also be available for youth and children. Our children and youth will also meet on Sundays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm for music, art, dance & drama (MADD), Bible study, fellowship and recreation with a meal provided.

Wee Kirk Night
Wednesday, September 14
5:30 to 7:00 pm, Soup & Sandwich, Fellowship Hall
Supper, Fellowship, Music & Song, Devotion & Prayer

Beaufort Walk for Water
9:00 am, September 17
This year’s Walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 9:00 am, at the Live Oaks Park in Port Royal, as the Sea Island team walks in partnership with hundreds of other passionate community members. All you need to do is visit: WalkforWater.com/BeaufortCo and click on “Find a Team.” and insert Sea Island Presbyterian Church. Be sure to scroll down. Add your name and register. Then start contacting your neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, and anyone else you know to join you. Sea Island Presbyterian Church will sponsor the first 20 walkers. Use the promo code of SIP2022. See you there!


Mission Committee Report
Our Mission: Love God, Love Others, Reach Out
Under the leadership of Colleen Bible, Elder Chair, your mission committee enjoyed a very productive meeting last week. In a two-hour session, committee members introduced themselves to each other, reviewed our commitments for the balance of 2022, discussed potential work in 2023, and heard reports regarding the Family Promise, the Safe Haven After School Ministry and the upcoming Walk for Water in Port Royal. The committee is also looking forward to initiating new relationships with those serving overseas through the auspices of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.

Presbyterian Youth & Children’s Connection
Sunday, September 11, 5:00 to 7:00 pm, Grades 1 – 12
Our 2022 Fall Program will begin with a tail-gating section with hamburgers and hotdogs followed by a kick ball match with our youth and children vs. their parents and advisors. Pastor Steve has announced that he will serve as captain for our youth and children team against the adults, which almost guarantees a victory. A devotion for the week ahead will conclude our fellowship and time together.

Presbyterian Women (Synod of the South Atlantic)
Epworth-by-the-Sea, St. Simon’s Island, October 21-23
Following the theme of “Plug in and Re-Charge,” the retreat will provide participants the opportunity to meet with others from our church in addition to others from around Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Come and worship, learn, be revived and re-energized. POC: Shirley Yoakum and Kay Keeler.