
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

Spiritual Growth Opportunities

Following the 8:30 am Worship Service: Adult Small Group I, Bible Study, Room 208; Adult Small Group II, Confession of ’67, Room 206; Small Groups
for children and youth in the Christian education wing.

Children & Youth

Children involved in MADD (Music, Art, Dance & Drama) and our Mid High Youth are invited to the Waterfront Park this afternoon beginning at 5:00 pm for
fellowship, recreation, and pizza! Parents are welcome to join us!

Reformation Sunday

On October 30 we remember people like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox who brought change to the Church and how Christians read and understand the Book. Luther lit the fire of the Reformation in Wittenburg. The flame of reformation continued to spread by way of Calvin in Geneva and Knox in
Edinburgh, and eventually around the globe. A bagpiper will be visiting with us and as is our custom, we will gather in the Courtyard for mimosas and a toast
giving thanks for those who have served Christ and the gospel as we honor the past, celebrate the present, and embrace the future.


You are invited to join us Sunday, October 30th, for TRUNK-OR-TREAT at 5:30pm! Decorate your trunk in the most creative way and enjoy passing out your
treats along with seeing all of the SPOOKTACULAR costumes! The more trunks, the more fun! (If you plan to decorate, please arrive early to allow enough
time before event starts, as the parking lot will be closed off by 5:20 for safety purposes.) This event is family friendly and we invite all ages! It’s sure to be a
GOULD time! Please contact Debra Daughtery with any questions 843.592.1368.

Scotland Trip, Beginning May 22, 2023

As soon as our travel plans, itinerary, and accommodations are secured, we will share the information as quickly as possible. In the meantime, this is a good
tome to sign the “Interested List” in the Narthex. Mark your calendar, update your passport is up to date, do a little financial planning, and let Steve and Kay Keeler know of your interest. Text: Steve at 843.812.4207; Kay at 843.812.4206.


9:30 Adult # 1: The Bible Today Room 208
Adult # 2: Confession of ’67 Room 206
Youth Faith Formation Room 204
Children’s Faith Formation Room 202
5:00 Children (MADD) & Mid-Hi Waterfront Park

3:30 Safe Haven After School Tutoring CE Wing
6:00 Scout Troop 200 Fellowship Hall
6:15 Board of Deacons Pastor’s Study

10:00 Weekly Staff Meeting Pastor’s Study
12:00 Sea Island Rotary Fellowship Hall
3:30 Safe Haven After School Tutoring CE Wing
6:00 Sea Island Ringers (Bell Choir Rehearsal) Fellowship Hall

12:00 Beaufort Rotary Fellowship Hall
3:30 Safe Haven After School Tutoring CE Wing
7:00 Kirk Choir Rehearsal Choir Room

10:00 Presbyterian Women: Lydia Small Group Room 208
3:30 Safe Haven After School Tutoring Ministry CE Wing
5:30 Habitat for Humanity Board Meeting Room 208
6:00 League of Women Voters Fellowship Hall

7:30 Lowcountry Rotary Fellowship Hall

7:00 Alcoholics Anonymous Room 208

Next Sunday
5:00 Mid High Youth Room 204
Senior High Youth Room 208

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

Palm Sunday

April 13 at 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Maundy Thursday

April 17 at 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Good Friday

April 18 at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Easter Sunday

April 20 at 8:30 pm

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