
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

October 13, 2024

Pastoral Care

Assisted Care Living

Lucy Evans, Helena Square, Port Royal, SC; Herb Jarvis, Franke Senior Living Center, Mt. Pleasant, SC; Brenda Leming, Indigo Hall, James Island, SC
Maribeth Mizell, Assisted Living, Ladson, SC; Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Center, Port Royal, SC

Prayers of Intercession

Dave Brown (father of Brooke Coyne), Jan (Lisa) Crawford, Bruce Crook, Brian (Donna) Haupt, Doug (Ann) Hecht, Steve (Nancy) Kessel, Sam Kimber (son of Sharon Kimber), Booge Lee (great nephew of Steve & Addie Lee), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray (Ann) Lentz, Janell McClure, Heather McLeod (daughter of Johnny & Candy Harvey), Kirby Murdaugh (friend of Darryl & Kim Poovey) Mike (Nancy) O’Connor, Pete (Nancy) Pratt, Doris Reynolds (mother of Barry Reynolds), Mark (Jerri) Roseneau (son-in-law of Edna Horne), Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus (family friend of the Dievendorf’s) & Gail Watson.

Christian Sympathy +

Mary Jo Kjeldsen, Baton Rouge, LA, wife of “Nels” for 63 years, sister of Susan Converse, entered the Church Triumphant on October 7, 2024. And Jesus said, “I
am the resurrection and the life.”

Hurricane Relief (Helene & Milton)

We continue to collect canned goods and dry staples in addition to warm clothing for cooler weather, all of which will support our sisters and brothers in the upstate. You may also support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance – Hurricane Relief (checks can be made out to Sea Island and earmarked for PDA Hurricane Relief.) You may also Google Presbyterian Disaster Assistance where information is available on how to offer financial support directly. Finally, we dare not forget to pray for God’s presence in the areas of South and North Carolina, and Florida that are now in a state of recovery.

Operation Christmas Child

Filled shoeboxes may be returned between now and November 17. Free, pre-printed boxes are available in the Narthex along with “Shoebox Gift Suggestions.”
This is a “Gospel Opportunity” to share the story of Jesus and the Gospel of Christ with a child somewhere in the church. POC: Mary Jo Dievendorf, 618-890.8367.

Life Together

This Afternoon, 5:00 pm
For Children & Mid-and-Senior High Youth

As our children participate in the ministry of MADD (Music, Art, Dance and Drama), the Presbyterian Youth Connection for mid & senior high youth will visit about the upcoming Presbyterian Youth Triennium scheduled for July 28-31 in Louisville, KY and a 2025 summer retreat at the Abbey of Iona, Scotland. Our Sunday meal will be provided by Johnny and Jenny Tatum. Our Sunday evening program is provided for the purpose of nurturing our young people in the Christian faith and supporting them in their faith journey.

Wednesday Supper & Small Groups

Our Kirk Night meal will be provided by Larry Fries and the Carolina Tavern and will include pulled pork with several choices of barbecue sauce, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, and banana pudding with coffee, tea and water at $10 per person. We will begin our time together with an evening prayer and a blessing followed by our supper and small groups with Julie Mabe leading a review of “The 4:18 Principle” based on the teaching of Paul the apostle and Pastor Steve sharing the counsel of Mr. Roger’s on how we walk alongside our neighbors in times of suffering.

Navigating thru Grief, A Support Group
Sponsored by our Stephen Ministry

Have you lost a loved one or a good friend and find yourself experiencing grief? You may wish to prayerfully consider joining us tomorrow, October 14, 6:00 pm in the Gathering Room for the first of four sessions. To participate or to receive more information, please contact Jodie Linn 843.476.1176 or Bea Gregory 843.812.075/

Men’s Bible Study, Thursday, 12 Noon, Room 208

Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth addresses the issue of division, the subject of what constitutes right-living, the institution of marriage, apostolic authority, the gift of love, the meaning behind the Lord’s Supper and the resurrection. If you are curious and want to learn, there is a place at the table available just for you. +

Habitat for Humanity, Cambodia

Barbara Thomas is leading a team of volunteers to Phnom Penh, March 8-15, 2025. The program donation of $1840 covers all expenses while in the country.
Please contact “Barbara” for more information at

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

Palm Sunday

April 13 at 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Maundy Thursday

April 17 at 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Good Friday

April 18 at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Easter Sunday

April 20 at 8:30 pm

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