
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

August 11, 2024


Christian Education Event For Pastors, Church Officers, Teachers & Leaders
Saturday, August 24, Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church

POC: Kay Keeler,; 843.812.4206

Come & See Information Gallery, August 25

Sea Island is involved in nearly 40 difference ministries which support our mission to “Love God, Love Others, Reach Out.” You are invited to the Fellowship Hall on Aug. 25 for a review of what we do and to see where you might like to serve.

Sunday Evenings at Sea Island For Children, Youth & Parents
Begins September 15

We begin this new cycle of ministry with a cook out, games, a devotion, and fellowship. We will also receive information about the schedule for the year regarding lock-ins and retreats.

Wednesday Kirk Night
September 18: Supper & Small Groups

A new 6-week study begins with a book study on “The 4:8 Principle led by Julie Mabe. Based on Philippians 4.8 it seems fitting at this time when our world is so politically divided and angry. Our time together will help us clear our heads with God’s positivity for a joy-filled life or you can sit with Pastor Steve and delve into some of the theological understandings of the Bible as they relate to life and faith. Registration for supper and the classes will be available beginning August 25.

Pastoral Care

The ministry of pastoral care takes place first and foremost when we gather to worship God for it is in the presence of the risen Christ that we receive the Lord’s mercy, healing and grace. (Harold Nebelsick)

Assisted Care Living

Lucy Evans, Helena Square, Port Royal, SC
Maribeth Mizell, Assisted Living, Ridgeland, SC
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Center, Port Royal, SC

In the Hospital

Ralph (Jo) Beaver, Beaufort Memorial, Room 406
Mary (Dan) Spruill, Beaufort Memorial, ICU

Prayers of Intercession

Jan (Lisa) Crawford, Bruce Crook, Bradi Dinkins, Brian (Donna) Haupt, Doug (Ann) Hecht, Gerry (Bootsie) Hutchison, Ellen Kemp, Steve (Nancy) Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen (sister of Susan Converse), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray (Ann) Lentz, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Jim Partridge, Pete Pratt, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus, & Gail Watson.

The Lord is my Shepherd . . .

A Memorial Service and Celebration of Life for Jim Schlagel, Callawassie, SC, husband of Ellen, is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, 11:00 am in the Sanctuary with a reception to follow in the East Room & Gathering Place. “I thank you, O Lord, that you have delivered my soul from death.” (Psalm 56.13) 

Kevin Vey, Boston, Massachusetts, husband of Maureen, son-in-law of Olive Warrenfeltz, and brother-in-law of Bob and Colleen Bible, entered the Church Triumphant on August 2, 2024. Kevin’s life will be honored at the Keohane funeral Home, 785 Hancock St., Quincy, Mass. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. “Be sure of this, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28.20)

Stephen Ministry

A new class of Stephen Minister Candidates, after successfully completing a 50-hour training course, have now been commissioned for service within our congregation. This ministry is provided for members and friends of the church who need a good and confidential listening ear. Stephen Leaders are Jodie Linn
843.476.1176; John Partin 843.229.8439; and Teresa Partin 843.496.6585.

Walk for Water
Join Us to Fight the Global Water Crisis

Did you know 2 billion people around the world lack access to clean water? The Beaufort County “Walk for Water” is working to change that – and you can help. SIPC is once again a top sponsor of the Beaufort County Walk for Water. You can join our team walking with hundreds of others in our community in Port Royal on Saturday, September 14.

Sign up now at Click on “register,” enter the requested info, click “Join a Team” and select “Sea ISland Presbyterian Church” as your team. The first 25 to register get in free using the code SEAISLAND24. You will receive a great T-Shirt, too, but you must register by August 13 to be guaranteed your size. If you are not one of the first 25, you can still get a $5 discount using the code EARLYBIRD if you register by September 4. Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact Chris Crooke at 860.214.4301 or 

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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