
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

August 2, 2024


Blessing for Students & Teachers
Sunday, August 11, 8:30 & 10:30 am Worship Services

The Sunday morning liturgy for next week will include a blessing for our students returning to school and for those who have answered the call to share their gifts as an educator/teacher. For those returning to school this week, we offer the following prayer:

Eternal God, your wisdom is greater than our small minds, and your truth shows up our little learning. To those who study, give curiosity, imagination, and patience enough to wait and work for insight. Help them to doubt and explore with courage, but to hold all their doubts in the larger faith of Jesus Christ our Lord. Bless and keep those who invest and share their knowledge with our children, teenagers, and young adults as they pursue their aspirations and dreams. Amen. +

The Work and Mission of Sea Island

Sea Island is a place where we like to gather as a community of faith to grow and mature in the love and grace of Jesus Christ. (The Apostle Paul to the Church in Ephesus) Visitors and inquiries are always welcome. Please feel free to contact Will Donovan, Elder, Richard Noris, or Steve Keeler if you have questions. +

Assisted Care Living

Lucy Evans, Helena Square, Port Royal, SC
Maribeth Mizell, Assisted Living, Ridgeland, SC
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Center, Port Royal, SC

In the Hospital

Ralph (Jo) Beaver, Beaufort Memorial, Room 406
Jan (Lisa) Crawford, Beaufort Memorial, Room 228

Christian Sympathy

Stephanie Fries, Beaufort, SC, entered the Church Triumphant on August 1, 2024. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.”

Jim (Ellen) Schlagel, Callawassie, SC, entered the Church Triumphant on August 1, 2024. “I thank you, O Lord, that you Have delivered my soul from death.” (Psalm 56:13)

Pastoral Care

God calls the Church to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, caring for one another, sharing joys and sorrows, providing support in times of stress and need, and offering admonition, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

The ministry of pastoral care takes place first and foremost when we gather to worship God for it is in the presence of the risen Christ that we receive the Lord’s mercy, healing and Grace. (Harold Nebelsick)

Love God, Love Others, Reach Out +

Stephen Ministry

A new class of Stephen Minister Candidates, after successfully completing a 50-hour training course, have now been commissioned for service within our congregation. This ministry is provided for members and friends of the church who need a good and confidential listening ear. Stephen Leaders are Jodie Linn 843.476.1176; John Partin 843.229.8439; and Teresa Partin 843.496.6585.

Prayers of Intercession

Bruce Crook, Bradi Dinkins, Brian Haupt, Doug Hecht, Gerry (Bootsie) Hutchison, Ellen Kemp, Steve Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen (sister of Susan Converse), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray (Ann) Lentz, Jodie (Jerry) Linn, Buddy McElveen, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Jim Partridge, Pete Pratt, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus, Kevin (Maureen) Vey brother-in-law of Colleen Bible,and Gail Watson.

We Give Thanks to God

With the help and assistance of Emilio Banuelos (Mexico), Sydney Heslop, Erin Osborne, Chloe Raynor, and Will Spencer, college students and counselors affiliated with the Bethelwoods Conference Center, York, South Carolina, headed home Friday afternoon after a week with our children sharing the parables of Jesus. What a splendid time to be together!

T-Shirt Sale is On!

T shirts with a detailed Celtic Cross and the word “Trust,” designed by the 2024 Confirmation Catechism Class are on sale for the price of $25.00. All profits go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. With a Sea Island Logo on the front, it serves as good advertisement for the church.

How to Become a Member of Sea Island

To be human is to live in community with others. Loneliness is a lack of community ad an expression that ife is failing. (Johannes Pederson)

Membership in a body of persons enhances rather than restricts the unfolding of one’s personality. Membership in a community of faith brings one into a fellowship of mutual love and service, and with it the privilege of communicating the love of God in the places where we live, work, and play.

We welcome new members into our church family with a smile on our face and joy in our hearts. Sea Island accepts new members by Profession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith, and Certificate of Transfer from another congregation.

POC: Will Donovan 843.812.7948/Steve Keeler 843.812.4207.

For those who enjoy a residence outside of Beaufort and enjoy a second home in the low country, affiliate memberships may be an option as well.

College & University Students Gathering
Sunday, August 11, 9:30 am
Pastor Steve’s Study

Pastor Steve is inviting all retuning college students and those heading to a college or university campus as freshmen in the next few weeks for a special 45-minute gathering on August 11, 9:30 am, in the Fellowship Hall. There is some critical information he would like to share with you as you pursue higher education in preparation for your future. Doughnuts, juice, and coffee will be provided. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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