
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

July 25, 2024

Friends and Neighbors,

Greetings. In the apostle Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus, he underscored three areas that are critical in the life of the church. We must invest time and energy building up the body of Christ, supporting the unity of the faith, and committed to growing and maturing in the knowledge of Christ.

As we move into the last week of July and prepare to welcome the first week of August, the above themes of Paul will come into play as . . .

The Men of the Church celebrate and enjoy another Saturday morning breakfast (July 27) at 8:00 am. Coffee will actually be available around 7:30 as we gather in the hallway and visit with one another before we break bread for the best hot breakfast in the low country. As a courtesy, please contact Mike Yoakum if you plan to attend at 843.263.6133 or We want to make sure we have enough bacon, eggs, and biscuits. (Smile) +

Later in the day, (14) Sea Islanders will return home from the Montreat Youth Conference in North Carolina. Our youth have enjoyed a week of worship, small group discussion groups, a candle lighting ceremony with 800 youth surrounding Lake Susan all under the theme of “Planting Peace.” It might interest you to know there have been more bear sightings and there are photographs to prove it!

July 28 is the fourth Sunday of the month, which means it’s our turn to collect food items for the St. Francis Food Trailer. However, our friends at St. Peter’s are unable to deliver the trailer this weekend so we in good Sea Island fashion will improvise. We will collect canned goods and dry staples inside the Narthex underneath the framed picture of the Abbey of Iona. The donations of food will be delivered on Monday morning. Thank you for your contributions! +

We will host (5) college aged counselors/students from the Bethelwoods Conference Center, York, SC beginning Sunday afternoon as they arrive for a week of Camp-in-the-Van beginning Monday, 9:00 to 2:00 pm. They and several of our Sea Island advisors and chaperones are going to enjoy a supper of fried chicken, baked beans and potato salad in addition to other fixin’s.

Parents of children attending the week-long adventure are reminded to bring their bagged lunch. Activities for the week will center on the parables of Jesus. Wednesday is Water Day as plans have been made for the delivery of a tall water slide.  (For your information, Bethelwoods is a conference center affiliated with the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery and financially supported by Sea Island and our sister churches in the presbytery.) +

Family Promise has invited us to a ribbon cutting ceremony this Thursday, August 1 for the Freedom House, a 4200 square feet shelter for homeless families with children. Located in  Hardeeville, we are asked to RSVP by calling 843.815.4211 and asking for Deborah who will provide directions.

One last item, by way of our prayers of intercession, please keep Edna Horne in your prayers as she is home recovering from a serious auto accident on Wednesday afternoon. We also pray for Jan Crawford who is scheduled to return home Friday afternoon after a week’s hospitalization at MUSC-Charleston. Finally, we mourn the loss of Margaret Gibson last Saturday after a long illness and surround Pat with our love and prayers.

Looking to Friday and the weekend, may your troubles be less, and your blessings be more. And may nothing but happiness come through your door. I(A Celtic Blessing) in Christ. Amen. +

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2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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