
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

July 21, 2024


Planting Peace

Montreat Youth Conferences affirm youth in their calling to be and to shape the church of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to help youth come to know and believe that they are the beloved of God and to be a place where authenticity, community, connection, and God’s truth thrive. We seek to be an inclusive space where each voice can be heard and where each heart can be molded; where change is invited, challenge is expected, and where all are embraced.

In the coming week, we will build an accepting community of unconditional love where every story matters. Through engaging worship, lively music, and practices of gratitude and fun, we will offer youth different opportunities to cultivate their spiritual faith journeys and practice sabbath. We will provide a secure space that is loving, holy, and authentic so that we may glorify God in all that we do, inspiring and equipping a lifetime of faith.

Youth leave Montreat knowing that:

Their faith matters.

They are loved as they are.

They are part of a community of faith.

The Work and Mission of Sea Island

A simple formula continues to define who we are and what we do as we seek to follow Christ in the present-day world. On good days and bad days, it is important for us to “Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out.” Or to put it another way, in Christ, we seek to “Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, and Embrace the Future” as we endeavor to live the Jesus Way. +

In the Hospital

Jan Crawford, MUSC-Charleston, Room 615

Assisted Care Living

Lucy Evans, Helena Square, Port Royal, SC
Margaret (Pat) Gibson, Lowcountry Community Hospice Home, Summerville, SC
Maribeth Mizell, Assisted Living, Ridgeland, SC
Jim (Ellen) Schlagel, National Health Center, Okatie, SC
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Center, Port Royal, SC

Pastoral Care

God calls the Church to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, caring for one another, sharing joys and sorrows, providing support in times of stress and need, and offering admonition, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Relying on Christ’s grace and the Spirit’s gifts, the church seeks to shepherd its members and friends through times of danger and death, illness and loss, crisis and celebration, struggle and sin. In particular, these ministries flow from and are nourished by the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, signs and seals of our relationship in the body of Christ. (from our Book of Order, the PC (USA) +

Stephen Ministry

Four weeks ago, several Stephen Minister candidates, after completing a 50-hour training course, were commissioned for service within our congregation. This ministry is provided for members and friends of the church who need a good and confidential listening ear. Stephen Leaders are Jodie Linn 843.476.1176; John Partin 843.229.8439; and Teresa Partin 843.496.6585.

Prayers of Intercession

Bruce Crook, Judy Crowley (mother of Doug Crowley), Bradi Dinkins, Brian Haupt, Doug Hecht, Gerry (Bootsie) Hutchison, Ellen Kemp, Steve Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen (sister of Susan Converse), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray(Ann) Lentz, Jodie (Jerry) Linn, Buddy McElveen, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Jim Partridge, Pete Pratt, Jim Schlagel, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus, Kevin (Maureen) Vey brother-in-law of Colleen Bible, Michael Ware, and Gail Watson.

Camp-In-A-Van, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Provided by Bethelwood’s Counselors
July 28 thru August 2; 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Do you know which parable the below picture represents?

When our children come together for this one week experience, we hope they enjoy being together and have fun participating in the various activities during the day. And yet what will be most important is providing an opportunity for our children to experience the friendship, love and mercy of Jesus Christ.

Enrollment has grown for this unique week together and we ask for your continued support and prayers.

T-Shirt Sale is On!

T shirts with a detailed Celtic Cross and the word “Trust,” designed by the 2024 Confirmation Catechism Class are on sale for the price of $25.00. All profits go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. With a Sea Island Logo on the front, it serves as good advertisement for the church.

College & University Students Gathering
August 11, 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall

Pastor Steve is inviting all retuning college students and those heading to a college or university campus as freshmen in the next few weeks for a special 45-minute gathering on August 11, 9:30 am, in the Fellowship Hall. There is some critical information he would like to share with you as you pursue higher education in preparation for your future. Doughnuts, juice, and coffee will be provided. +

We Welcome Water Festival Commodores-Emerita

Through the years, Sea Island has enjoyed a number of folks within our community of faith who have served as Commodores of the annual Water Festival on the Beaufort Waterfront. It has become somewhat of a tradition for these Commodores and others to attend the early morning service at Sea Island as the Water Festival comes to an end. We ae grateful for their service to our community and facilitating the warm hospitality of the lowcountry.

How to Become a Member of Sea Island

We welcome new members into our church family with a smile on our face and joy in our hearts. Sea Island accepts new members by Profession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith, and/or Certificate of Transfer from another congregation. POC: Steve Keeler and/or Will Donovan. For those who enjoy a residence outside of Beaufort and enjoy a second home in the low country, affiliate memberships may be an option as well. Please see Will Donovan, Steve Keeler or Richard Norris for details.

Camps & Conferences (July & August)

Bethelwoods Camp & Conference Center, York, SC
Jump, Swim, and Paddle your way to Bethelwoods
Summer Camps for Children & Youth; 803.366.3722;

Montreat Youth Conference, Montreat, NC

Our Senior High Youth made their way to Montreat yesterday and return July 7.

Andrew Byrd, Pastor
St. John’s Westminster Union Church
Cincinnati, Ohio

Andrew and his family and friends are most appreciative for last Sunday’s Service of Ordination and the Reception that followed in the Fellowship Hall. The Commission representing the sister churches from around the presbytery was very much impressed by your gracious and warm hospitality, the music of the Kirk Choir, and the magnificent reception. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who offered a hand and prayer of support.

Until Andrew has a personal mailing address, the mailing address for the St. John’s Westminster Union Church is 1085 Neeb Road, Cincinnati, OH 45233. Andrew begins his ministry in Cincinnati on August 1, 2024. May the Lord bless and keep our good friend, and may the Lord bless his ministry and the people of his congregation.

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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