
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

June 14, 2024


Pastoral Care

Lucy Evans, Helena Square
Jim Schlagel, National Health Center, Okatie, SC
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Care
Maribeth Mizell (Assisted Living, Ridgeland)

In the Hospital

Ralph Beaver, Beaufort Memorial

National Health Center, Okatie

Jim (Ellen) Schlagel

Prayers of Intercession

Jan Crawford, Bruce Crook, Judy Crowley (mother of Doug Crowley), Bradi Dinkins. Margaret Gibson, Brian Haupt, Ellen Kemp, Steve Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen (sister of Susan Converse), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Buddy McElveen, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Jim Partridge, Pete Pratt, Jim Schlagel, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus, Kevin (Maureen) Vey, brother-in-law of Colleen Bible, Michael Ware, and Gail Watson.

We Extend Our Christian Sympathy

Carol DeStefano, Malvern, PA, beloved wife of the late John DeStefano and former member of Sea Island, entered the Church Triumphant of June 2, 2024. Services and Internment will be private.

Joe (Merle) Happe, Charleston, SC and a former resident of Dataw Island, entered the Church Triumphant on June 6, 2024. A Memorial Service and Celebration of Life is tentatively scheduled for the month of July.

How to Become a Member of Sea Island

We welcome new members into our church family with a smile on our face and joy in our hearts. Sea Island accepts new members by Profession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith, and/or Certificate of Transfer from another congregation. POC: Steve Keeler and/or Will Donovan.

Salkehatchie Service Camp

Affiliated with the South Carolina United Methodist Church Repairing homes on S. Helena Island, June 15-22
POC: Dean & Jo Feaster, 864.787.5761 or;

Salkehatchie is a servant ministry where youth and adults come together to help those of special need especially with home repair. The Salkehatchie summer service camp and Sea Island have worked together for several summers before and after the pandemic. Over sixty high school and college students along with their adult advisors will begin their projects tomorrow, finish on Friday, and make their way home next Saturday. May it be said and understood that most of all, we, together, are growing in our walk with Jesus Christ. +

Welcome Home!

Mark and Mary Jo Dievendorf and family have returned home after a week’s vacation and visiting family and friends in Michigan. They return to South Carolina where we encounter heat and humidity. Richard and Jean Norris are visiting the Bethel Presbyterian Church, Walterboro, SC where Richard is providing the morning sermon. The Bethel Church happens to be the congregation that nurtured Richard in the Christian faith as a child, youth, and young adult.

South Carolina Inn, Montreat
400 S. Carolina Terrace, Montreat, SC 28757

Located in the beautiful village of Montreat, North Carolina, nestled in the foothills of the Black Mountains, the South Carolina Inn is open year-round. The inn is owned, operated, and supported by the Presbyterian Churches USA of South Carolina. (Pastor Steve serves on the Board of Trustees) The inn provides a retreat for clergy, families, individuals, and attendees of Montreat Conferences, and provides lodging for groups, families, individuals, and anyone seeking respite from everyday life. For a suggested donation, the Inn will provide a southern-country-style breakfast for groups of 12 or more.

From the Session Council
Our Mission: Love God, Love Others, Reach Out

Members of the Session Council met last Monday and wish to share a summary of the meeting. We began our time together with a prayer from the Iona Community Worship Book. We then received a financial report showing a balanced operating budget and the good news that we are on schedule to eliminate our remaining debt for the recent renovation project. Thank you for your faithful stewardship! We are meeting our financial commitments for the presbytery, synod, and the Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We also support several local non-profit organizations that fulfill the mandate of Matthew 25. The Session Council approved a request from MacKenzie (James) Goodman to be baptized on June 23 and endorsed with joy the planned Service of Ordination for Andrew Byrd on July 14. Finally, we offered a prayer of thanksgiving for a wonderful summer schedule that includes the Salkehatchie Service Camp, Bethelwoods, two Montreat Conferences, and Camp-in-a-Van. +

Sea Island at a Glance

Sea Island (College) Scholarship Applications
Due Sunday, June 16

Summer Camps & Conferences

Bethelwoods Camp & Conference Center, York, SC
Jump, Swim, and Paddle your way to Bethelwoods
Summer Camps for Children & Youth; 803.366.3722;

Salkahatchie Service Camp’ June 15 -22

Montreat Worship & Music Conference, Montreat, NC

Lead Us Homeward, June 23-28
For Children, Youth & Adults
POC: Kay Keeler, or 843.812.4206

Montreat Youth Conference, Montreat, NC

Planting Peace, July 21-27
For Senior High Youth
POC: Susan Seckinger 843.812.0432 or Rebecca Angelo 843.321.1302

Camp-In-A-Van, Provided by Bethelwoods Counselors

Explore the Parables of Jesus & God’s Covenant Relationship with Creation
July 29 through August 2; 9 AM to 2 PM
For Children: K thru 6th
POC: Kay Keeler, or 843.812.4206

Andrew Byrd
Service of Ordination, July 14, 4:00 pm

Andrew Byrd, having graduated from the Union Presbyterian Seminary on May 25 and received his Master of Divinity Degree, has accepted a call to the St. Johns Westminster Union Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. Andrew has asked our community of faith to host his Service of Ordination on July 14, 4:00 pm. At that time, Andrew will be officially ordained as a Minister of Word & Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA). May the Lord bless and keep Andrew as he begins his parish ministry on August 1.

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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