
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

May 29, 2024

Sea Island at a Glance

Sea Island (College) Scholarship Applications
Available in the Church Office

Summer Camps & Conferences

Bethelwoods Camp & Conference Center, York, SC
Jump, Swim, and Paddle your way to Bethelwoods
Summer Camps for Children & Youth; 803.366.3722;

Salkahatchie Service Camp’ June 15 -22

Montreat Worship & Music Conference, Montreat, NC
Lead Us Homeward, June 23-28
For Children, Youth & Adults
POC: Kay Keeler, or 843.812.4206

Montreat Youth Conference, Montreat, NC
Planting Peace, July 21-27
For Senior High Youth
POC: Susan Seckinger or 843.812.0432, Rebecca Angelo or 843.321.1302

Camp-In-A-Van, Provided by Bethelwoods Counselors
Explore the Parables of Jesus & God’s Covenant Relationship with Creation
July 29 through August 2; 9 AM to 2 PM
For Children: K thru 6 through 5th Grades, Register by May 30, Friday
POC: Kay Keeler, or 843.812.4206

Invite friends to add to the fun! Haven’t had time to fill out the registration? Please call or email Kay Keeler via her above contact information.

Why Camp-in-a-Van?

This unique Bethelwoods Program has existed for almost 60 years. Camp in a Van exists to build relationships, teach the love of God to young people, and immerse young people in God’s creation (even if only for a few hours!). Camp in a Van is a weeklong unique blend of outdoor and congregational ministry. Designed for young people grades K5-5th*, Camp in a Van is a joint effort between Bethelwoods and our congregation. Bethelwoods provides all of the programming (staff, supplies, game equipment, curriculum resources, and activities) while we provide support services. Registration deadline is May 30. Kay Keeler 843.812.4207;

Presbyterian Youth Connection & Presbytery Youth Council
Deadline for PYC applications is Sunday, August 18
The Charleston Atlantic Presbytery Youth Council is looking for new members for 2024-25. The Youth Council is a unique opportunity for high school youth to gain valuable leadership skills, learn more about the Presbyterian Church (USA), get to know other youth from around the presbytery, and serve the church in an important and challenging way. Please see Pastor Steve, Susan Seckinger or Rebecca Angelo for information regarding requirements and an application.

Salkehatchie Service Camp
Affiliated with the South Carolina United Methodist Church
Repairing homes on S. Helena Island, June 15-22
POC: Dean & Jo Feaster, 864.787.5761 or;
Home is the place where we feel most comfortable, loved, and protected, but what if your roof leaks in the storms or your feet fall through the cracked floors or your front steps are dangerously wobbly?

Over the years, hundreds of homes across the state have received new roofs, ramps, flooring, ceilings, bathrooms, kitchens, and improvements in accessibility. On behalf of our community of faith the Sea Island Mission Committee, with endorsement from the Session Council, is happy to coordinate this effort again this summer with our church campus hosting over (50) youth and advisors. Sea Island youth have also been involved in this ministry in previous years.

Volunteers must be 14 years old, and all adult volunteers must do a background check. Cost is $250 per volunteer. Please see Dean or Jo Feaster (contact information is listed above or reach out to Hugh Gouldthorpe 804.317.2258 or Pastor Steve is available for questions as well.

Beaufort High School Baccalaureate Service
Wednesday, May 29, 6:00 pm
Sea Island Church Campus

Recognition Sunday for Graduating Seniors, June 2, 10:30 am

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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