
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

April 19, 2024


Greetings. It seems that in almost every direction we look, we see and read about conflict and division, social and ecclesiastical disorder ever mindful of ongoing political dysfunction, and dangerous threats of war and annihilation.

In addition to the readings for this coming Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary that share words of peace, hope, and reassurance (i.e. Psalm 23 and John 10:11-21), I also share a thought from Henri Nouwen as we prepare for the 4th Sunday after Easter –

In reference to the pains and tribulations of our time, we must be able to see the ways in which Jesus is leading us through these rough times. As Christians, we must respond to personal struggles, family conflicts, national calamities, and international tensions with an articulate faith in God’s real presence, and say “no” to every form of despair and every spirit of resignation or indifference in the face of pain, suffering, and death and be led further into the heart of God.” (In the Name of Jesus,” pages 87-88)

The faith and theology of Henri Nouwen has very much influenced how I think and live (as a ragamuffin), and I believe you will see Nouwen’s influence again in our Order of Worship and liturgy for this coming Sunday. Peace and Grace, and have a good, safe, and rest-filled weekend. In the name of the Good Shepherd. +


2024 Confirmation & Catechism Class
11:45 am in Room 206

POC: Kay Keeler, 843.812.4206 and Clara Partridge, 843.252-6199

Children and Mid-High Youth, 5:00 to 6:30 pm
Afternoon Fellowship & Music, Art, Drama & Dance (MADD)

Bible Study, Recreation & Supper

Senior High Youth, 5:30 pm to …
Rancho Grande on Ribaut Rd (former location for Pizza Hut)

We will spend time breaking bread, enjoying fellowship,
And going over some of our summer plans.

Habitat for Humanity in the Lowcountry

Our community of faith is working in partnership with other area congregations in
a Faith Build affiliated with Lowcounrty Habitat. Located at 3006 Walnut Street,
the construction needs a few more painters to complete the project. Volunteers
may access where you can sign up and
“pitch in.” Habitat anticipates a Dedication Ceremony on site in the middle of
May and we are invited to celebrate this special occasion.

Pastoral Care

Lucy Evans, Helena Square
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Care
Maribeth Mizell (Assisted Living, Ridgeland)

Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA

Andrew Byrd, Ministerial Candidate, Graduates May 25, 2024

Prayers of Intercession

Peggy Burttram, Aubrey Cochran, Bruce Crook, Judy Crowley (mother of Doug Crowley), Bradi Dinkins. Chick Dykeman, Margaret Gibson, Loie Hanscom,
Brian Haupt, Mary Hovis (sister of Bob Ellison), Ellen Kemp, Steve Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen (sister of Susan Converse), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray (Ann) Lentz, Buddy McElveen, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Liz Partridge, Pete Pratt, Jim Schlagel, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus, Michael
Ware, and GailWatson.

We Celebrate the Gift of Marriage

Will Kelly and Savannah Mullen were united in marriage on Saturday, April 13,
2024, at Eden at Gracefield, Walterboro, SC with Pastor Steve officiating.

Thank You for Your Support!

The Duke Orchestra Symphony in concert last Saturday was a success and they hope to return to our church campus next year. Sponsored by the Foundation for
Leadership Education, proceeds support the Foundation and scholarships for Beaufort area high school graduates headed to college.

Welcome Home!

Lay Pastor Richard and Jean Norris have returned from a brief respite in Gatlinburg, TN where they enjoyed the gateway to the Great Smokey Mountains.

How to Become a Member of Sea Island

We welcome new members into our church family with a smile on our face and
joy in our hearts. Sea Island accepts new members by Profession of Faith,
Reaffirmation of Faith, and/or Certificate of Transfer from another congregation.
POC: Steve Keeler and/or Will Donovan.

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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