
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

April 12, 2024

Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the Lord. This time last week, Kay and I were introduced to the ministry of the St. Andrews Church of Scotland, Rome and given a tour of the church by Fiona Kendall who is very much involved in the work of the church. Fiona works with Mediterranean Hope, a project created by the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy to support refugees. She is a joint mission partner of the Methodist Church in Britain with the Church of Scotland and Global Ministries (UCC and Disciples of CHrist).

I’m not quite sure what Kay and I were expecting, but we were a bit surprised to see that the St. Andrews Church Rome is immediately across the street from the Defense Ministry of Italy in addition to other government agencies and is within walking distance of the Vatican. We couldn’t help notice that the Friday traffic included a multitude of government officials accompanied by a heavy presence of law enforcement. There was a constant entourage of polizia with motorcycles and blue flashing lights. The streets and sidewalks were filled with thousands of people shopping and visiting the many outdoor cafes, shops and stores. Everywhere we looked, life was busy and lively.

After our visit to the church, Fiona later treated us to lunch where we visited and learned more about each other’s work within the Body of Christ. It had been awhile since Kay and I had been around people from so many different places around the globe. We were fascinated by the many languages we heard and listened to, but especially the hospitality and kindness shown to us as Americans.

Having returned home, Kay and I look forward to being with you Sunday morning for our two worship services, but the time between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning is going to be rather busy. The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb is leading the annual Men’s Retreat on Pair-a-Dice Island, there is a wedding to tend to, and the Duke Symphony Orchestra performs Saturday evening in our Sanctuary in the effort to support the local Leadership Foundation in raising scholarship funds for graduating high school seniors in the Beaufort area.

As we continue to enjoy this beautiful Friday and look forward to a promising pring weekend in the low country, may the Lord bless the ministry and work of Sea Island and every community of faith that represents the love and grace of Jesus Christ as we seek to love God, love others, and reach out. Peace and Grace. +

Steve Keeler, Pastor
Sea Island Presbyterian Church
Post Office Box 966
Beaufort, South Carolina 29901

843-525-0696  Work
843-812-4207  Cell

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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