
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

March 22, 2024


Palm Sunday always invokes an air of celebration and excitement as it did on the day when Jesus entered Jerusalem and people threw down palm branches and pieces of clothing. However, what the crowds anticipated by way of a growing movement to challenge Roman occupation and the ruthless rule of Herod did not come to pass. Jesus had something else in mind.

As we honor the events and milestones of Holy Week leading up to Easter morning, the worship services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will set a somber tone as we transition to Holy Saturday, a day after the crucifixion that was marked by silence and fear, confusion and doubt.

Wednesday evening will conclude the Lenten study using “The Hope of Easter.” Before the small groups gather around their respective tables at 6:15, we will find our seats in the Fellowship Hall where we will share in a Seder Meal similar to the one that Jesus shared with his disciples. Jesus was taught at an early age the story of the Passover and how the Lord God intervened on behalf of his people during a time of captivity and oppression.

In closing, may we as a community of faith find meaning and a sense of purpose for our lives in and through the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In His Service. +

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