
Church Announcements2024-12-16T14:05:22-05:00

February 2, 2024


All of us have read, heard, and understand that we live in “the age of information.” We share several updates about a number of events in the life of our community of faith that relate to worship, spiritual formation, fellowship, pastoral care and intercessory prayer. Please read carefully, prayerfully consider where you might be involved, and mark your calendars.

Special Note: The Church Safety & Security Training is on the calendar for February 10, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please address your questions to Chris Crooke, Moderator of the Diaconate, at or (860214.4301.

For the month of February there are two scheduled small group meetings for the Presbyterian Women Organization. The Lydia Circle will convene Thursday, at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall followed by the Mary Magdalene Circle at 6:00 pm also in Room 308. Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Presbyterian Women nurture their faith through prayer and Bible study, support the mission of the church world-wide, work for justice and peace, and seek to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

Finally, there is a special meeting of the Session Council (governing body of Elders) Sunday morning, 11:35 am or so, to receive and welcome new members into the life of the church. If you have thought about the possibility of membership or have in some way declared your intent, we will gather in the center aisle of the Sanctuary near the pulpit. Sea Island receives new members by profession of faith, certificate of transfer, or reaffirmation of faith.

Thank you for reading and learning more about the life, work, mission, and ministry of our church family as we seek to “Love God, Love Others, Reach Out” within and around the world and the universal Body of Christ. +


Iona Service of Wholeness
This Afternoon 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Prayers for Healing & the Laying on of Hands

Pastoral Care

Lucy Evans (Helena Square); Marion Weihrouch (Sprenger Health Care); Meribeth Mizell (Assisted Living, Ridgeland)

Prayers of Intercession

Ralph Beaver, Jo Beaver, Colleen Bible, Aubrey Cochran, Bruce Crook, Kevin Cuppia, Bradi Dinkins, Chick Dykeman, Margaret Gibson, Jennylin Green (sister
of Shirley Yoakum), Loie Hanscom, Brian Haupt, Steve Kessel, Paddy Keitt, Heather McLeod, Liz Partridge, Sandi Patty, Pete Pratt, Jim Schlagel, Mary Spruill, & Melanie Tanner.

Witness to the Resurrection

A Celebration of Life was conducted yesterday morning at the Belin Memorial United Methodist Church, Murrells Inlet, SC in loving memory of “Rudy” (Linda)
Daughtery, father of Trey (Debra) Daughtery and grandfather of Hayes and Isaac Daughtery.

Family and friends of Christine Taggart gathered here yesterday morning to bear witness to the Christian hope of the resurrection. Originally from Glasgow,
Scotland, and a teacher of twenty-six years at the Laurel Bay School and in her retirement a Director for the Born to Read Program for twelve years, Christine also volunteered as a patient advocate at Beaufort Memorial Hospital.

Ash Wednesday Service

Sign of the Cross, February 14, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary

Lenten Study begins February 21

Supper @ 5:30; Hope of Easter @ 6:15 & Kirk Choir at 7:00
Children from 6:15 to 7:00

Men’s Retreat, April 12 thru 14, Pair-a-Dice Island

Spiritual Director: The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb, Charlotte, NC

Join the SIPC Stephen Ministry Team
Training Classes • Mondays, March 4 thru May 13, 2024
6:00 to 8:00 pm

Stephen Ministry is a lay caring ministry being used by thousands of congregations to increase care and outreach to hurting people. Through Stephen Ministry, congregations are able to equip and empower a team of lay people – Stephen Ministers – who provide one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people experiencing grief, unemployment, hospitalization, divorce, financial stress, a terminal illness, or other life difficulties. Visit www.stephenminisries.or to learn more and to watch online video stories about the difference Stephen Ministers are making in people’s lives. Sign up sheets and applications available in the Office Reception Area and the Gathering Room

For More Information Contact: Jodie Linn (jodielinn95@gmail,com/843.476.1176); John Partin (; Teresa Partin

Oyster Roast, Friday, February 23, 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Chili, Clam Chowder, & Dessert Included (Donations Accepted)
RSVP Sharron Kendall, 843.271.3991/

Bethelwoods Camp & Conference Center – News
York, South Carolina

Job applications for lifeguards (16+), Kitchen Staff (16+), Residential Counselors (18+) and Day Camp Counselors (17+) are available via the Bethelwoods website at You can also review and register your children and youth for summer camps.

Montreat Worship & Music Conference
Theme: Lead Us Homeward, June 23-28, Children, Youth, & Adults

Housing at the Georgia Lodge across the street from Andeson Auditorium POC: Kay Keeler at or 843.812.4206.We sing, ring
bells, rock hop, climb Lookout Mountain, visit the Huckleberry, Canoe on Lake Susan, enjoy recreation and dance at the Barn. Sound like fun?

This Week

8:00 Day School
10:00 SC Inn Board Meeting, Columbia Presbyterian Community (Steve Keeler)
3:30 Safe Haven After-School Tutoring Ministry (Christian Education Wing)
6:00 Scout Troop Meeting

8:00 Day School
9:30 Commission on Ministry, Presbytery Office, Charleston (Richard Norris)
12:00 Sea Island Rotary Club (Fellowship Hall)
3:30 Safe Haven After-School Tutoring Ministry (Christian Education Wing)
6:00 Sea Island Ringers Rehearsal

8:00 Day School
12:30 Beaufort Rotary Club (Fellowship Hall)
3:30 Safe Haven After-School Tutoring Ministry (Christian Education Wing)
7:00 Kirk Choir Rehearsal

8:00 Day School
10:00 Presbyterian Women, Lydia Circle (Room 208)
12:00 Men’s Bible Study with Aaron Miller (Room 208)
3:30 Safe Haven After-School Tutoring Ministry (Christian Education Wing)
6:00 Presbyterian Women, Mary Magdalene Circle (Room 208)

7:30 Rotary Club of the Low Country (Fellowship Hall)
8:00 Day School

9:00 Church Safety & Security Training
7:00 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Next Sunday
8:30 Early Bird Worship Service
9:30 Adult Bible Study & Discussion Group (Room 208)
10:30 Mid-Morning Worship Service

Souper Bowl LVIII – Sponsored by our Senior Hi Youth Group

Upcoming Events

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