
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

March 17, 2024


Greetings. Holy Week is quickly approaching and we draw near to specific events that are a part of our salvation history as they point to the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We began our 40 day journey in the wilderness walking with the one who continues to lead us to a place of grace, freedom, and hope.

As we seek to follow Christ, may green be the grass you walk on, may blue be the skies above you, may pure be the joys that surround you, may true be the hearts that love you. Amen. + (from Patrick of Ireland) +


Pastoral Care

Lucy Evans, Helena Square
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Care
Maribeth Mizell (Assisted Living, Ridgeland)

Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA

Andrew Byrd, Ministerial Candidate, Graduates May 25, 2024

Prayers of Intercession

Peggy Burttram, Aubrey Cochran, Bruce Crook, Judy Crowley (mother of Doug Crowley), Bradi Dinkins. Chick Dykeman, Margaret Gibson, Loie Hanscom,
Brian Haupt, Ellen Kemp, Steve Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen (sister of Susan Converse), Buddy McElveen, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Liz Partridge,
Pete Pratt, Jim Schlagel, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus, Michael Ware, and Gail Watson.

Christian Sympathy

The Rev. Dr. Archie McCree, United Church of Christ, Honorably Retired, Helena, Montana, friend and supporter of Sea Island, entered the Church
Triumphant on March 13, 2024. May his daughters Heather and Shannon abide in the peace and resurrection hope of Jesus Christ. +

New Members

We welcome new members into our church family with a smile on our face and joy in our hearts. Sea Island accepts new members by Profession of Faith,
Reaffirmation of Faith, and/or Certificate of Transfer from another congregation.

Paulette Beech, Reaffirmation of Faith

Russ and Hope (Lanier) Freeman, and daughter Riggs (Baptized Member)
Russ comes as a “Friend” of the Church /w Membership at FBC, Hampton & Hope, Certificate of Transfer, First Presbyterian, Beaufort
Mike Monroe, Certificate of Transfer, Estill Presbyterian Church, Estill, SC
Bill & Lynda Rogers, Certificate of Transfer, New Life in Christ, Punta Gorda, FL
Jeneane Ryan, Certificate of Transfer from First Presbyterian, Beaufort
Johnny and Jenny-Gray Tatum, and children May and Jack (Baptized Children) First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, SC

2024 Confirmation & Catechism Class

Begins Today, March 17, 2024, 11:45 to 1:30 pm
Available for youth 7th thru 12th Grade
POC: Steve & Kay Keeler

Children and Mid-High Youth

Afternoon Fellowship & Music, Art, Drama & Dance (MADD)
Bible Study, Recreation & Supper
This Afternoon, 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Lenten Study continues Wednesday

“The Hope of Easter”
Supper in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 pm
Menu: Spaghetti & Salad
($10 per adults & $5 for Children under 10)
Small Groups (Children, Youth, Adults) at 6:15 pm
Kirk Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday (8:30 & 10:30)
Wednesday Seder Meal (5:30 in the Fellowship Hall)
Maundy Thursday Communion (7:00)
Good Friday Service (12 Noon)
Easter Morning – He Has Risen!
The Kirk Choir & Sea Island Ringers (8:30 & 10:30)

Looking Ahead

Annual Men’s Retreat, Pair-a-Dice Island
April 13, 13 & 14

Spiritual Director: The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb, Charlotte, NC
POC: Mike Yoakum,

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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