
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

March 8, 2024


The gospel lesson for Sunday morning comes to us from the gospel of John (John 3:14-21) and highlights the difference between light and darkness. It has been noted that many people today live in the night, a few live in the day. We all know about night and day, darkness and light. We know about it in our hearts; we know about it in our families and communities; we know about it in the world. The peace that the world does not give is the light that dispels some of this darkness. As we remain aware of current events both here and around the world, may we pray for the light. It is the peace the world cannot give. (Henri Nouwen)


Saturday Workday

As we look to the weekend, we look forward to many of you sharing your time and energy in tomorrow’s scheduled workday. Beginning at 8:00 am, the property committee has a number of different projects that will enhance our building and campus. Hamburgers and hotdogs with condiments will be provided along with chips and drinks between 11:00 and 11:30 (at least that’s the plan.)

Annual Community Chili Cookoff
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Saturday, 5:00 to 7:00 pm

Minimum donation is $8 per person with a $24 family cap. Donations received at the door with all donations going to the Good Neighbor Medical Clinic.

Daylight Saving Time Begins

We turn our watches and clocks ahead one hour before we go to bed Saturday evening. DST officially begins at 2:00 am Sunday morning. (O Lord, help me not forget!)


Pastoral Care

Lucy Evans, Helena Square
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Care
Maribeth Mizell (Assisted Living, Ridgeland)

Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA

Andrew Byrd, Ministerial Candidate, Graduates May 25, 2024

Prayers of Intercession

Peggy Burttram, Aubrey Cochran, Bruce Crook, Judy Crowley (mother of Doug Crowley), Bradi Dinkins. Chick Dykeman, Margaret Gibson, Loie Hanscom, Brian Haupt, Ellen Kemp, Steve Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen (sister of Susan Converse), Buddy McElveen, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Liz Partridge, Pete Pratt, Jim Schlagel, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus, Michael Ware, and Gail Watson.

Congo Mission Network (CMN) & 2024 Mission Conference
March 14, 15 & 16, Presbytery Office in North Charleston

Sea Island and churches within our presbytery are serving as hosts for this 2024 Conference which is expected to bring about 70 from across the US and more than 100 in DR Congo and the US via Zoom. Registration is free for anyone in the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery. One may attend in person or via Zoom. POC: Hugh Gouldthorpe, Chair, Missions Committee and/or Steve Keeler, Pastor.

Holy Week at Sea Island
All Are Welcome

Palm Sunday, 8:30 & 10:30 am
Seder Meal, Fellowship Hall, 5:30 pm
Maundy Thursday with Holy Communion, 7:00 pm
Good Friday Liturgy, 12 Noon

Easter Morning
Easter, 8:30 & 10:30 am

Easter Egg Hunt in the Courtyard, 11:30 am

Lenten Study continues Wednesday

“The Hope of Easter”
Supper in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 pm
Menu: Billy Seckinger Pulled Pork & Barbecue
($10 per adults & $5 for Children under 10)
Small Groups (Children, Youth, Adults) at 6:15 pm
Kirk Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm

Children and Mid-High Youth

Afternoon Fellowship & Music, Art, Drama & Dance (MADD)
Bible Study, Recreation & Supper
This Afternoon, 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Senior Hi Youth

Biscuit Fundraiser – Sunday – March 17
For Montreat Youth Conference

Meeting of the Congregation

March 17, 2024 at 9:30 & 11:30 am
Annual Report covering 2023 & Election of Deacons
Nominees David LaBonte & Katz Fujino

2024 Confirmation & Catechism Class

Begins Sunday, March 17, 2024, 11:45 to 1:30 pm
Available for youth 7th thru 12th Grade
POC: Steve & Kay Keeler

Men’s Retreat, April 12 thru 14, Pair-a-Dice Island

Spiritual Director: The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb, Charlotte, NC
POC: Mike Yoakum,

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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