
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

February 16, 2024


Greetings. The past week and today have been filled with several ups and downs. First, we rejoice! Lydia Rae Cummins, daughter of Perry & Megan Cummins, granddaughter of Karen Cummins, was born earlier today, 3:00 am, February 16 at the Medical University South Carolina, Charleston. We look forward to when Lydia Rae is able to visit us on a Sunday morning.

We are saddened to learn that Barbara Titus, a faithful member of Sea Island, who was an active Stephen Minister in the life of our congregation and for many years shared visits and Christian compassion with patients at Beaufort Memorial Hospital before her relocation to Chicago, IL, entered the Church Triumphant last night. Barbara always displayed a beautiful smile, and a kind and gentle spirit.

The church office has also received word that John (Carol) Destefano, Malvern, PA, a former member of our community of faith, entered the Church Triumphant on February 1, 2024. Services and interment were private. May the living Christ comfort Carol and family in this time of loss.

Ken and Chris Crooke return home tomorrow from Grand Junction, CO where they gathered with family and friends to celebrate the life of Ken’s brother, “Dick” Crooke, who entered the Church Triumphant on February 5, 2024. A Memorial Service was conducted last Wednesday in Grand Junction. May the peace of Christ be with Ken and Chris in this time of loss.

Good News! Sea Islander Andrew Byrd, our former Minister of Music, has successfully passed his Bible Content Exam and ordination exams, and given approval by the presbytery to seek a call as a Minister of Word of Sacrament within the Presbyterian Church (USA). Andrew’s graduation from the Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA and the awarding of his Master of Divinity Degree is scheduled for May 25, 2024. We are proud of Andrew and his accomplishment and look forward to where God leads him.

Finally, the Varsity Girls Basketball Team from the American Overseas School of Rome (Italy) and coached by Lillian Keeler Aldred play for the European Championship tomorrow in Wiesbaden, Germany. A Falcons victory over Naples, Italy would be a “threepete,” having won the trophy the last two years. Go Falcons!

Three items to keep in mind: Our midweek Lenten Study begins this Wednesday with a 5:30 pm supper in the Fellowship Hall. In the recognition that the church is not exempt from inflation, please be aware that a price change will be in effect: $10 per adult and $5 for children twelve and under. Following supper, we will break up into small groups meeting in the Christian education wing and discuss passages from the gospel of John.

Salt Shakers, our small group supper clubs, is sponsoring an Oyster Roast this coming Friday, 5:3o to 7:30 pm, on the church campus. Donations accepted Reservations are required by the end of Sunday, December 18. POC: Sharron Kendall,

An Inquirer’s Class is scheduled for visitors and friends that might be interested in learning more about the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Sea Island Presbyterian Church. The class will be offered in Room 208 from 11:45 to 1:00 pm, lunch provided. We will be looking at the history, beliefs, mission, organization, and work of the church and how we at Sea Island fit into the overall scheme of things within the global body of Christ. Registration is helpful in the preparation of materials and will be available Sunday in the Narthex or by contacting Will Donovan, Elder, or Steve Keeler, Pastor,

Time passes quickly and Sunday and next week will be here before we know it. May the Lord bless and keep you in your coming and going. Peace and Grace. +

Pastoral Care

Lucy Evans (Helena Square); Marion Weihrouch (Sprenger Health Care); Meribeth Mizell (Assisted Living, Ridgeland)

Prayers of Intercession

Ralph Beaver, Jo Beaver, Colleen Bible, Peggy Burttram, Aubrey Cochran, Bruce Crook, Kevin Cuppia, Bradi Dinkins, Chick Dykeman, Margaret Gibson, Jennylin Green (sister of Shirley Yoakum), Loie Hanscom, Brian Haupt, Edna Horne, Paddy Keitt, Steve Kessel, Mary Jo Kjeldsen, Buddy McElveen, Janell McClure, Mike O’Connor, Liz Partridge, Sandi Patty, Pete Pratt, Jim Schlagel, Mary Spruill, Shirley Stevens, Melanie Tanner, Heather Titmus, Michael Ware, and Gail Watson.

Witness to the Resurrection

John (Carol) Destefano, Malvern, PA, former member of Sea Island, entered the Church Triumphant on February 1, 2024. Services and interment were private. And Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.”

Richard (Bonny) Crooke, brother of Ken (Chris) Crooke, Grand Junction, CO, entered the Church Triumphant on February 5, 2024. A Celebration of Life in loving memory of “Dick” was conducted last Wednesday at the Callahan Edfast Mortuary & Crematory in Grand Junction. “What Abba father did for his Son on the first Easter morning, he will also do for “Dick” and for us.” (the Apostle Paul)

Ushers/Greeters Needed

We are in need of two (2) usher/greeter volunteers for the 8:30 am worship service on the 2nd Sunday of each month. POC: Ellen Kemp at 843.597.2466 or Thank you for prayerfully considering this form of service as we welcome all who come to worship on Sunday mornings.

Souper Bowl Offering – Thank You!

Our youth are grateful for your supporting this annual event in the life of our Sea Island congregation. Thankful for the soup provided by Jean and Richard Norris, the Narthex proved to be just the right spot to set up with the chicken and rice cuisine, and the various
pots to catch your dollar bills. The collection was in the amount of $1,000 and will be contributed to a local charity to help feed those of special need and care.

SIPC Stephen Ministry Team Training Classes
Mondays, March 4 thru May 13, 2024 • 6:00 to 8:00 pm

For More Information Contact: Jodie Linn (; John Partin (; Teresa Partin(

Lenten Study begins Wednesday

Supper in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 pm ($10 per adults & $5 for Children under 10)
Small Groups (Children, Youth, Adults) at 6:15 pm
Kirk Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm

Oyster Roast
Friday, February 23, 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Chili, Clam Chowder, & Dessert Included (Donations Accepted) RSVP by end of today to Sharron Kendall,

Men’s Retreat
April 12 thru 14, Pair-a-Dice Island

Spiritual Director: The Rev. Dr. Steve Cobb, Charlotte, NC POC: Mike Yoakum,

Children and Mid-High Youth

Children and Mid-High Youth do not meet this evening, but will meet again February 25, 5:00 pm, for Bible study, fellowship, music, art, drama, and dance. Our Senior-High youth return late this afternoon from a presbytery-wide weekend retreat at the Bethelwoods Conference Center in York, South Carolina.

Montreat Worship & Music Conference

Theme: Lead Us Homeward, June 23-28, for Children, Youth, & Adults. Housing at the Georgia Lodge across the street from Andeson Auditorium POC: Kay Keeler at or 843.812.4206.We sing, ring bells, rock hop, climb Lookout Mountain, visit the Huckleberry, Canoe on Lake Susan, enjoy recreation and dance at the Barn. Sound like fun?

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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