
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

February 9, 2024


And Jesus said, “Blessed are they who make provision for those who are hungry and quench the thirst of those who are thirsty.” (Matthew 25)

Greetings. In 1990, a simple prayer, “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat,” was delivered to a small youth group at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC led by Brad Smith, who was serving as a seminary intern at the time.

This gave birth to an idea. Why not harness the energy and enthusiasm of Super Bowl weekend to unite the nation for a higher good? Individuals and groups could collect dollars in soup pots for those in need and send every dollar directly to a local charity of their choice.

The first year, they invited 22 area churches to join the team and collected $5,700 with 100% of the donations distributed to local area charities. That was 1990. Since then, over $193 MILLION has been generated benefiting thousands of soup kitchens, foodbanks, meal programs and other hunger-relief charities in local communities. (from Souper Bowl Sunday of Caring)

This coming Sunday, our youth will take their place in the Narthex and surrounding area with soup pots following both worship services in the hope we will share our dollar bills to fight hunger in the Beaufort community. In addition to coffee, beverages and refreshments in the Gathering Room, a cup of soup will also be available to carry us until such time we make our way home and prepare for the 6:30 pm coverage of Super Bowl LVIII. The youth thank you in advance for your continued support of their work as ambassadors of Christ. Amen. +

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