
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

January 19, 2024


Cold Weather Shelter

Greetings. The words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 25 continue to guide the work and mission of our community of faith. With the current forecast showing temperatures dipping below 32 degrees over the weekend, our Fellowship Hall and adjacent wings will serve as a Cold Weather Shelter for those in our community who are looking for a safe and warm environment. We are working with local law enforcement and other agencies to get the word out about our availability. Points of Contact are John Murrie at and Alissa Murrie at

In reference to the Cold Weather Shelter, all scheduled church events for Saturday and Sunday will take place as advertised. Beginning at 5:00 pm Sunday afternoon, children and youth activities will take place in the Christian education wing, Narthex, & Sanctuary. Please enter via the portico nearest the Angel Oak tree. Pastor Steve will be on site and in the area.

Please be aware of special events on the Church Calendar –

Witness to the Resurrection for Ken Gibson, Sanctuary, 11:00 am, January 23
Men’s Breakfast, Room 208 – January 27
St. Francis Food Trailer, Underneath the Angel  OakTree Portico, January 28
Scout Sunday, Sanctuary, February 4
Church Safety & Security Training, February 10
Souper Bowl Sunday, Special Offering, February 11
Ash Wednesday Service, Sign of the Cross, February 14
Lenten Study Begins with Supper, February 21
Stephen Ministry Training Begins, March 4 thru May 13
Annual Men’s Retreat, Pair-a-Dice Island, April 12 thru 14
Church-wide Oyster Roast, April 23

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care remains one of the main pillars of parish ministry in the life of Sea Island. May we remember the following names and friends in our daily prayers of intercession –

Lucy Evans, Helena Square, Port Royal
Peggy Burttrum & Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Care, Port Royal
Bruce Crooke, recovering from hip replacement, Ocean Springs, MS
Steve (Nancy) Kessel, under outpatient care at MUSC, Charleston
Heather (Harvey) McLeod, Beaufort Memorial Hospital
Meredith Mizell, Assisted Care Living, Ridgeland
Liz (David) Partridge, discharged today from MUSC, Charleston
Earl Schlaubach, discharged from Sprenger and resting at home

Bob (Barbara) DeBartolo, Palm Coast, FL, and former member of Sea Island, entered the Church Triumphant on January 13, 2024. A Memorial Service with Committal on Fripp Island is tentatively scheduled for late February.

Kenneth Norman (Alice) Gibson, Rincon, GA, son of Suzanne Gibson and the lat Ken Gibson, entered the Church Triumphant on January 6, 2024. Visitation is 10:00 am Tuesday in the Gathering Room with a Witness to the Resurrection to follow at 11:00 am in the sanctuary. 12 Noon Committal Service with Military Honors at the Beaufort National Cemetery.

Dan (Paddy) Keitt entered the Church Triumphant January 14, 2024. Funeral arrangements are pending. Paddy is at home surrounded by family as she recovers from a recent illness.

Jean Morse, Mastic, NY, mother of Clark (Beth) Morse, entered the Church Triumphant on January 16, 2023. Funeral arrangements are pending.

May the Lord bless and keep you +

As we continue to “Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, and Embrace the Future,” may we remember that the church exists where people are given the space to hear and follow God’s call accepting responsibility for our own lives. We can no longer stand back.” (A sentence in my handwriting posted inside of the book titled, “Reaching Out:The Three Movements of the Spiritual LIfe” by Henri Nouwen) +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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