
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

January 5, 2024


Eve of Epiphany

Greetings. Today marks a time of transition as the body of Christ embraces the Eve of Epiphany with a reading from Paul’s letter to the church Rome. Paul encourages those in the Christian community to welcome one another for the glory of God. In addition, Paul bears witness to the mystery of the gospel as it applies to the people of Israel and all those who are Gentiles. As we face the ups and downs of life and all of its complexities, Christ Jesus is our hope. (Romans 5:7-13)

In a short period of two months, we have moved from the liturgical season of Advent to Christmas and now Epiphany. As our Christmas trees come down and our decorations are returned to storage, we thank God for biblical stories and prophetic proclamations that share the good news that in Christ we have been adopted and incorporated into God’s holy family.

Sunday Schedule

Please remember that we return to two worship services this Sunday, 8:30 and 10:30 am, with a Bible study and discussion group meeting in Room 208 at 9:30 am. The Gathering Room will be available for coffee, juices, refreshments and of course, fellowship. Our children’s ministry for children (MADD, Music, Art, Drama & Dance with Bible study and recreation) and our mid-high group meet on the church campus from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Senior High Youth should contact youth advisors Susan Seckinger (843.812.0432) and/or Rebecca Angelo (843.321.1302)..

Important Announcements

Women’s Retreat

The annual Women’s Retreat, “Growing in the Spirit,” begins on Friday, January 12 and ends at 11:00 am on Sunday, January 14. Cost for the weekend is $100 with scholarships available. Participants will gather on Fripp Island around 5:00 pm with supper served later in the evening. POC: Kay Keeler at 843-812-4206 or Jodie Linn. .

Church Safety Workshop

Mark your calendar for Saturday, Feb. 10 for an important workshop to help ensure our church campus remains safe and welcoming for all. SIPC will present a program developed by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the National Response Team on active shooter events. This training is essential for pastors, church staff, elders, deacons, ushers, Sunday school leaders, day school staff, after-school program volunteers, youth volunteers and any congregational members interested in learning more about church safety and security. Watch for more information soon.

Upcoming High School Retreat

The Charleston Atlantic Youth Council is excited to announce a retreat for all high school youth for February 23-25 at the Bethelwoods Conference Center, York, South Carolina. Cost for the weekend is $100. Susan Seckinger and Rebecca Angelo have additional information regarding the weekend schedule, cabin assignments, and necessary covenant forms to be signed at registration. They are also available to answer any questions you may have. Hayes Daughtery and Garrett  Seckinger serve on the Youth Council and encourage all of our high school youth to attend this weekend of Christian fellowship and spiritual growth.

As this congregational email comes to a close, the children and teachers of our day school have returned for their winter semester. Their play and laughter in the enclosed courtyard, the sound of tricycles racing on the sidewalk and little feet running here and there causes my heart to swell with gladness and reminds me of the church’s responsibility to assist moms and dads in the Christian nurture of our “little ones.” May the Lord bless and keep you. Amen. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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