
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

November 25, 2023


Greetings. Having enjoyed a Thanksgiving with family and loved ones, friends and neighbors, giving thanks to God for the blessings and challenges of life, we rejoice today in the release of hostages in the Middle East and a pause in the fighting in the Gaza Strip. As we transition into the last weekend of November, we can’t help but wonder what next week will bring by way of the numerous “hotspots” around the world.

Just a matter of days from the new liturgical season of Advent, a time dedicated to waiting and watching for the return of Christ, may God’s peace and justice soon rule around the world. +

The following announcements are provided as information regarding the life and work of the church . . .

An Advent Devotional “Abide With Us” is available as a Christmas gift to our friends and families of Sea Island. A PDF of the devotional is available in the church office when the devotionals are no longer available in the Narthex. (It’s proved to be quite popular!) You can also find the devotional on your Kindle.

You are invited to join one of the Sunday School groups to discuss and share the weekly devotionals from “Abide With Us” between worship services on December 3, 10 & 17 and January 7, 14 & 21. This is a great forum to grow in our Christian faith and meet new people.

Our children (MADD, Music, Art, Dance & Drama) and our mid-high youth meet Sunday 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Supper will be provided.

Pageant and choir practices for ages 4 thru 13 are scheduled for Wednesdays, 6:00 PM.

All women of the church and friends are invited to the annual Women’s Retreat on Fripp Island, January 12-13-14. This three day retreat will include a Bible study and fellowship centered on a theme related to the spiritual gifts of the Mary’s and Martha’s, and Mary Magdalene’s among us. This annual retreat was started in 1992 and continues over thirty years later! Come and join us in this special time of re-creation!

Christmas Calendar

December 10, Christmas Music & Choral Presentations, both services
December 17, Christmas Pageant “Room for Christmas” at 6:30 pm; Supper at 5:30 pm
December 24, Christmas Eve Morning Service at 10:30 am
December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service, 5:00 pm
December 31, New Year’s Eve Sunday Morning Service at 10:30 am

Intercessory Prayer

As we ease our way into the Holiday Season let us remember especially in our prayers those who may be homebound and those who are residents of assisted living, in addition to those who are unnamed but stand in need of Christ’s presence and our intercessory prayers. –

Lucy Evans, Helena Square, Port royal
Rod (Bea) Gregory, 86 Bay Point Road, Land’s End
Dan (Paddy) Keitt, 93 Bay Point Road, Land’s End
Meribeth Mizell, Ridgeland Nursing Home, Ridgeland
Susan Phifer, 15 Bay Point Road, Lands End
Mary (Dan) Spruill, 23 Planters Circle, Lady’s Island ,
Barbara Titus, Green View Place, Chicago, IL
Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger House, Port Royal

With the Thanksgiving Weekend coming to an end, our college students are returning to their respective campuses for the last three weeks of their first semester of the 2023/24 academic year. May the Lord be with them, encourage them, and inspire them as they prepare for their finals. We pray for their traveling mercies.

Congratulations! Jaco Niemand, son of Johan and Helena Niemand, and son of the church, was commissioned last week as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps in a ceremony conducted at Quantico, Virginia. This young man has a bright future!

Reminder: This is our weekend to collect canned goods and dry staples in support of the St. Francis Food Pantry. The food trailer will be located underneath the portico on the sanctuary side of the campus. The Center is also open for food drop-off Monday thru Friday, 10 am to 3 pm.

In closing, those of us who are college football fans are very much aware that this is Rivalry Weekend with Florida State traveling to the Swamp, Georgia traveling to Georgia Tech, with Clemson and South Carolina playing in Williams Brice Stadium. Please be aware that there are no excused absences granted for Sunday morning. May the peace of Christ be with you. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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