
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

November 3, 2023


Greetings. In preparation for Sunday morning, the gospel lesson from Matthew describes a moment in time in which Jesus was critical of the scribes and Pharisees because of their ecclesiastical arrogance and pride. The episode reminds me of a summer past when a healthy delegation of Sea Islanders attended the popular Christian Life Conference in Montreat, NC.

The particular summer that I’m thinking about was the summer that the Rev. Dr. Dale Brunner, a theologian and college professor, served as one of the keynote speakers. In reference to the wisdom and insight of the Psalms, Brunner made the comment one morning that what we need most in the world today is a good dose of low self-esteem. In this “it’s all about me world,” the professor was trying to make the point that we are losing a healthy respect for the presence of God and the work of Christ in our lives.

That comment has stuck with me and continues to guide me as a pastor engaged in the work and service of parish ministry. The grace of humility plays a big role when one takes on the responsibility of speaking a good word on behalf of Jesus and all of us for that matter as we represent Jesus and the gospel in the secular world. And Jesus said that all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted. +

The words of Jesus serve us well as we prepare to approach the Lord’s Table Sunday morning to break bread and share the cup of our salvation. +

Children and Youth Groups

With a new weekend and week in front of us, our children of the church are invited to gather on November 5, 12, and 29, with the mid-high youth group meeting on November 12 and 29, all at 5:00 pm. The Senior High Youth Group meets Sunday Nov 5 and 12 at 5:00 pm in the Youth Room for popcorn and a movie.

Children’s Choirs

Choirs for the upcoming Christmas Pageant will gather this Wednesday at 6:00 pm with the pre-k to 1st grade group meeting with Mary Jo Dievendorf in Room 202 and grades 2 thru 6 meeting with Kay Keeler and Lola Magliano in the Choir Room.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7

Don’t forget that Tuesday, November 7, is Election Day. As I used to share with my students at TCL, if you are not registered to VOTE or for whatever reason refuse to VOTE, the day is most likely coming when you will no longer have to worry about it. Apathy will lead to changes we will not like.

Presbyterian Women

Those of you who enjoy the warm fellowship, Bible study and prayer time with Presbyterian Women, one circle (small group) meets Thursday morning at 10:00 am in Room 208 with the evening circle (small group) meeting later in the day at 6:00 pm, also in Room 208. POC: Jeanne Reynolds, 803.413.9176 or

Thank You to Our Volunteers

A big thank you to all of the volunteers who give of their time, energy, and love in service to Christ. I arrived on the church campus a few days ago while one of our deacons was power washing the church signs located at the front entrance; another volunteer on the property committee was repairing several window dressings around the fellowship hall and Christian education wing; another volunteer was tackling issues with our phone and security system; another volunteer was folding bulletins for Sunday worship with several others preparing a mass mailing for our fall stewardship campaign.

And then there are the volunteers who show up Monday thru Thursday tutoring young students from Lady’s Island Elementary, Lady’s Island Middle, Mossy Oaks Elementary, and Beaufort Elementary. Please know that we have several children receiving tutoring who do their best work one on one. If you have just one hour a week or maybe two (smile), we can use you. We give thanks to God for all of our many volunteers and pray that the Lord continues to give them hearts for service.

College Liaisons

We are trying our best to maintain a meaningful connection with our college students. If you would like to serve as a college liaison, you are invited to register in office reception area or the narthex leading to the sanctuary. We connect at least once a month via text, email or snail mail and pray daily for their well-being and academic progress.

Advent Devotionals

Devotional pamphlets for the season of Advent are on order and will be available the four weeks leading up to Christmas. Discussion groups will also gather on these Sundays in Rooms 206 and 208.

Choral Music & Christmas Pageant

Drawing closer to the month of December, the Kirk Choir will provide choral music at both services on December 10 with a children’s Christmas Pageant with dinner on December 17 beginning at 5:30 pm. Remember last year? Wow!

Christmas Services

For planning purposes, there are two worship services on Christmas Eve, which is on a Sunday. There will be one morning service at 10:30 followed by the Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service beginning at 5:00 pm.

Remember to Set your Clocks Back

In closing, my friends, please don’t forget to turn your clocks BACK on hour at 2:00 am Sunday morning (or like Kay and I do when we turn our clocks BACK one hour at 9:00 am Saturday morning.) We fall back before we spring ahead. See you Sunday morning and may the Lord bless and keep you. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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