
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

November 2, 2023


Greetings. By way of the work of our Missions Committee, I am happy to report two positive developments.  Following the guidance of Sea Island’s mission statement to “Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out,” our congregation is now supporting two new mission endeavors, Frontline Mission and Mission Co-Worker Jose LaMont Jones, from the Presbyterian Mission Agency.

Frontline Mission

For over twenty five years, Frontline’s mission has been to advance the gospel in some of the world’s most difficult places. Currently, this is happening through a multi-national team serving in more than a dozen countries on three continents. Despite the diversity of settings and challenges, mission work is conducted in countries with restricted access.  Active in places like Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Guyana, Honduras, Spain, France, and now Nepal, Frontline mission teams assist with medical and dental clinics, building and church construction, evangelism, discipling and training leaders for reaching out to indigenous tribes.

Jose LaMont Jones and the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo

In a country in which the Presbyterian Church (USA) church partners have a long-standing commitment to transforming lives through education, Jose assists the Presbyterian community of Kinshasa (CPK) education department in the development, support, and implementation of strategic plans to expand and strengthen the church’s primary and secondary education programs. Jose works closely with the PC (USA) mission initiators engaged in this work, seeking to facilitate their active involvement with the CPK in achieving its goals for educational excellence. He also helps make connections with non-governmental organizations working in related fields.

Please know that your stewardship dollars are very much at work in ways that you often do not see to the Glory of God and the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen. +

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