
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

October 27, 2023


Preparing to celebrate reformation Sunday, I yield to the thought of Karl Barth, still regarded as the most important Protestant theologian of the 20th century and credited for initiating the neo-reformation in Western Europe and later the United States, “To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.”

We have a big weekend in the life of the church, so I thought an early email would benefit us all as we do our best to manage our calendars and hectic schedules.

Men’s Breakfast, Saturday Morning

We kick-off the weekend with an 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall with a grand menu that includes scrambled eggs, grits, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, and bacon along with orange juice and plenty of fresh hot coffee. Our time is devoted to visiting and sharing what’s going on in our lives and the life of the church. POC: Mike Yoakum at 843.263.6133 or

The benefit of an early morning breakfast will be realized later Saturday when men of the church will have the opportunity to tackle their Saturday chores in time to sit down at 3:30 pm, find your local CBS station, and spend the next three hours watching the Florida Gators upset # 1 Georgia putting everyone in a good frame of mind for Sunday morning. (Smile)

J. D. Ingraham, Bagpiper, and Mimosa Toasts for Reformation Sunday

“J.D.” is scheduled to drive down early Sunday morning from Charleston where he will post under the Angel Oak and greet the 8:30 am congregation with several stirring pieces from the Highlands of Scotland. He will do the same for the 10:30 am congregation and will lead the early and mid-morning congregations by way of Amazing Grace in a recessional to the Courtyard after grabbing a mimosa on the way out. Once in place we shall raise our glasses to the ongoing ministry and work of the Reformation. Yes, we are the church reforming, always reforming.

Sacrament of Baptism

Of special note for the Early Birds: We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism for Eleanor Grace Bowman, daughter of Scott and Erin Bowman, at the 8:30 am worship service.

Peace and Prayer for Israel, Sunday Afternoon

Members of the Jewish community in Beaufort are sponsoring a public gathering Sunday afternoon in support of Israel beginning at 2:30 pm at the downtown Waterfront Park. Ken Hoffman, a member of Beth Israel synagogue in Beaufort, is inviting “as many non-Jewish people, who feel affection for Israel to attend.”

In his book “And the Sea is Never Full,” Elie Wiesel brings to our attention the tensions of the world, “Hate crimes, religious wars, ethnic conflicts, collective violence, the rise in xenophobia and anti-semitism – to think that we had imagined that the demons would no longer come howling in the night.” (page 19) Something else to keep in mind. A survivor of the Holocaust, (I can’t immediately find the reference), as much as Elie Wiesel supported the well-being and safety of the Jewish state, he regretted that he did not do more to understand and help his Palestinian brothers and sisters, which is a dilemma for us as well.

Fall Fun for our Children, Sunday Evening

Beginning at 5:00 pm on the church campus, fall fun will be available for children in kindergarten through eighth grade. We will enjoy treats, supper, fun songs, smores, and games for all ages. The Middle School youth will facilitate and lead the games, where they have plenty of experience as our Sea Island young people have led games and crowd breakers in several of our presbytery-wide youth retreats at Bethelwoods, York, SC. Moms and Dads of our younger children: Costumes can be worn or brought and changed into.


As the world spins, may we look forward to Sunday as a time reserved for “Shabbat Shalom,” a peaceful rest and a peaceful Sabbath. May the Lord bless and keep you. Amen. +

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