
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

October 20, 2023

We Welcome Cindy Duryea and Ed, too!

“Cindy” is an active member of the Baptist Church of Beaufort, is an accomplished pianist, and plays a major role in the music ministry of BCOB. Kay and Steve Keeler are on the campus of Presbyterian College this weekend and headed to Gatlinburg, TN where Pastor Steve is scheduled to officiate a late Monday afternoon wedding ceremony for David Partridge and Elizabeth Morgan. Cindy had shared her talents with us on several Sundays in the past and we welcome her back to Sea Island.

Sunday Morning Small Groups, October 22, 9:30 am

John Partin and Chris Uhall are leading a study in the OT book of Genesis (Room 208), and Laura Dineen and Michalene Roberts will introduce our children to “Growing into God’s Love.” (Classroom across the hall from our Nursery)

Navigating through Grief Support Group
Monday, October 23, 6:00 pm, The Gathering/East Room

Monday’s session is the first of four sessions and is an opportunity to receive support in a time of recent loss or even a loss experienced some time in the past. To participate or to receive additional information please contact Jodie Linn at 843.476.1176 or or Bea Gregory at 843.812.0751 or

Wednesday Kirk Night
Fellowship Hall, “You Can’t Take It with You”

5:30 Supper, 6:05 Presentation, Child-Care & Music Provided October 25, Preplanning & Planning a Funeral w/ Carla Anderson

Bell & Choral Rehearsals This Week

Tuesday, 6:00 pm, Handbell Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Wednesday, 6:15 pm, Angel Choir /w Mary Jo Dievendorf
Wednesday, 6:15 pm, Children’s Choir (Gr. 2 – 8) /w Lola Magliano
Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Kirk Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

Men’s Breakfast, Sat., Oct. 28, 8:00 pm, FH
POC: Mike Yoakum

St. Francis Food Trailer, Sun., Oct 29, Portico
POC: Chris Uhall

Stewardship of Time, Talent & Money

Week of October 15, 2023

Worship Attendance: 200
Weekly Budgeted Income: 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received: 12,694 (+ 4.32 %) Thank you +

Reformation Sunday
October 29, 8:30 and 10:30 am Worship Services

We will follow a long-standing tradition next Sunday at both worship services as we Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, and Embrace the Future as we celebrate our faith within the Reformed tradition of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The World Alliance of Reformed Churches, of which we are a part, is represented in 107 countries around the globe and enjoys a membership of over 75 million members. In the words of those who have gone before us, “We are the church reformed, always reforming.”

Special guest next Sunday
J.D. Ingraham, Bagpiper, Charleston, SC

“J.D.” will be visiting us next Sunday along with his bagpipes which he has been playing since 2002. He is rated as an accomplished piper by the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association and has performed at a number of worship services in Charleston, SC in addition to festivals attended by British Royalty. “J.D.” is also known throughout the low country providing the music of bagpipes for events related to Scotland and Ireland along with tastings of Scotch and Irish Whiskey. May we stand tall and proudly around the Celtic Cross in the courtyard as we offer a toast next weekend to

Paper Goods & CAPA

Collecting paper goods for CAPA started with the Mary Magdalene Circle and has expanded into a church-wide mission. These items donated allow the directors of CAPA to purchase other items for the children and are very much appreciated. These items are delivered bi-weekly by a member of the circle. Thank you for your continued donations.

Montreat Worship & Music Conference, June 2024

We are happy to report that we have reserved the Georgia Lodge which can accommodate 28 residents and another nearby home that can hold ten. Please see Kay Keeler or Lola Magliano if you might be interested in attending. There is something for all, even if you don’t sing or ring bells. Think and pray about it. For chaperones, the more the merrier for our children and youth!

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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