
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

October 15, 2023

Sunday Morning Small Groups, October 15, 9:30 am

John Partin and Chris Uhall are leading a study in the OT book of Genesis (Room 208), and Laura Dineen and Michalene Roberts will introduce our children to “Growing into God’s Love.” (Classroom across the hall from our Nursery)

Congregational Meeting
Sunday, October 15, 9:30 & 11:30 am
Election of Church Officers

We will hear a report from our Nominating Committee and vote on their recommendation to elect Sally Dalrymple, Asher Howell, Craig Norris, and Katie Phifer as Elders, Class of 2026; and to elect Pete Bongiovanni as a Deacon, Class of 2025, and Nancy Fu, Jeff Reynolds, Hailey Seckinger, and Chris Uhall as Deacons, Class of 2026.

MADD & Mid-High Youth, 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Jackie and Ray Ganas are supplying tonight’s meal. During our time together we will enjoy a devotion, and time to pray, sing, play, and enjoy fellowship together. .

Navigating through Grief Support Group
Monday, October 16, 6:00 pm, The Gathering/East Room

Monday’s session is the first of four sessions and is an opportunity to receive support in a time of recent loss or even a loss experienced some time in the past. To participate or to receive additional information please contact Jodie Linn at 843.476.1176 or or Bea Gregory at 843.812.0751 or

Wednesday Kirk Night
Fellowship Hall, “You Can’t Take It with You”

5:30 Supper, 6:05 Presentation, Child-Care & Music Provided
October 18, Hospital, Hospice & Palliative Care w/ Jennifer Massey
October 25, Preplanning & Planning a Funeral w/ Carla Anderson

Bell & Choral Rehearsals This Week

Tuesday, 6:00 pm, Handbell Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Wednesday, 6:15 pm, Angel Choir /w Mary Jo Dievendorf
Wednesday, 6:15 pm, Children’s Choir (Gr. 2 – 8) /w Lola Magliano
Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Kirk Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

Stewardship of Time, Talent & Money

Week of October 8, 2023
Worship Attendance: 200
Weekly Budgeted Income: 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received: 12,554 (+ 3.17 %) Thank you +

Installation Service, 4:00 pm, Today
Providence Presbyterian Church, Hilton Head Island, SC
The Rev. John Roberts, Associate Pastor

Sally Dalrymple, our Clerk of Session, is serving on a commission representing the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery to install John Roberts as the new Associate Pastor for the Providence Presbyterian Church. John and his family are originally from Cairo, Egypt and they have an interesting story about the exodus they have made from the Middle East to California and now to the low country of South Carolina.

Senior High Youth

We are inviting families to join us on October 21 at 7:30 as we brave a walk through the Ghost Tour hosted by CAPA in downtown Beaufort. $20 per ticket. POC: Susan Seckinger at 843.812.0432. You don’t have to be a high schooler to join us. Spending time with our youth is always a great time so join us and find out for yourself. (Anyone under 9th grade needs to be accompanied by an adult.)

Congratulations, Andrew Byrd!

We received word last week that “Andrew” has successfully completed his ordination exams and looking forward to graduation in the spring with his Master of Divinity Degree from the Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA. The journey continues!

Paper Goods & CAPA

Collecting paper goods for CAPA started with the Mary Magdalene Circle and has expanded into a church-wide mission. These items donated allow the directors of CAPA to purchase other items for the children and are very much appreciated. These items are delivered bi-weekly by a member of the circle. Thank you for your continued donations.

Montreat Worship & Music Conference, June 2024

We are happy to report that we have reserved the Georgia Lodge which can accommodate 28 residents and another nearby home that can hold ten. Please see Kay Keeler or Lola Magliano if you might be interested in attending. There is something for all, even if you don’t sing or ring bells. Think and pray about it. For chaperones, the more the merrier for our children and youth!

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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