
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

September 29, 2023


May the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. Like many churches nationwide, the Sea Island Presbyterian Church is entering into its annual fall stewardship campaign in support of the 2024 operating budget. During the month of October, we will enjoy different Sunday speakers and weekly congregational emails sharing ideas and thoughts about the meaning of stewardship and its place in our lives.

The fall stewardship campaign will also feature the effort to cancel the remaining debt we have for the recent renovation project for the sanctuary, narthex, east room, gathering room, and courtyard. The following comes from the pen of Graham Holcomber, member of the Session Council and chair of our Budget & Finance Committee.


As many of you recall, in 2018 after prayerful consideration and planning, the decision was made to move forward with renovations to our sanctuary, narthex, east room and courtyard areas. The work of refreshing this “thin space” where we worship began in January 2019 and was completed within four months. During that time our capital campaign “Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present, Embracing the Future ” was successfully conducted and jump started covering the cost of the renovations. Although worship here on campus was affected by the Covid pandemic beginning in 2020, the mission and work of the church never ceased.

Today, of the approximately $1.1 million in renovation costs we incurred, $336,000 remains outstanding with a loan at Truist Bank. While the interest rate on the loan is favorable, the funds budgeted toward monthly loan payments would be better served in a capacity furthering God’s Kingdom. With that in mind, Phase 2 of “Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present, Embracing the Future”, will be implemented in the coming three years with a goal for Sea Island Presbyterian Church to be debt free and establish a capital reserve fund for future facility needs such as a new roof.

We ask that you prayerfully consider making a pledge of monetary support in addition to your annual contributions for the 2024 stewardship year. Pledges may be spread over three years with contributions paid weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, annual, or one-time gifts. Please be on the lookout as more information will be shared in the coming weeks.

In Christ, Graham Holcombe +

In closing, thank you for your prayerful reading and consideration of what we have before us as we seek to support the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ. Peace and Grace +

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2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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