
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

September 22, 2023


When we worship, pray, serve and work together, we experience the grace of Christian community. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Men’s Breakfast, Saturday 8:00 am

As we prepare for the weekend and a new week, our men of the church will kick things off tomorrow morning (Saturday) with an 8 o’clock full breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. Kats Fugino and Darryl Poovey will provide hot coffee, a great breakfast, and a setting for warm, engaging Christian fellowship. Come one! Come All!

St. Francis Food Bank, Sunday

Working in concert with St. John’s Lutheran, St. Peter’s Catholic and Water’s Edge Methodist, we’re invited to bring canned goods and dry staples to church Sunday morning where they will be collected at the trailer located under the portico. We hear that several of the food pantries in the area have been running low on food.

Mid-High Youth & Our Children
Sunday, 5:00 to 6:30 pm

We break bread together in the Fellowship Hall. Afterwards, Pastor Steve is going to share why the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is important to us (especially as children and youth). We will then rehearse “dressing the table” for World Communion Sunday on October 1. (Senior Hi Youth meet next Sunday)

Wednesday Kirk Night
Supper @ 5:30 pm, Katie Phifer @ 6:05 pm, Kirk Choir Rehearsal @ 7:00 pm

Operating under the theme of “You Can’t Take It with You,” Katie Phifer will share information with us this week about Medicare and Social Security Issues.

Congregational Work Day
Saturday, 8:00 am

The property committee has scheduled our fall cleaning for the outside a week from tomorrow. Hamburgers and chips will be served around noon time.

Greetings from the St. Andrews Church of Scotland, Rome, Italy

Finally, the congregation of the St. Andrews Church of Scotland, Rome, Italy, where Steve and Lillian Aldred along with daughters Leila and Nita Grace worship on Sunday mornings, sends greetings. Interestingly, their “Gathering Room” for coffee and refreshments following the Sunday service is located in the balcony above the sanctuary and within eyesight of the Vatican. Anyone out there ready for a sightseeing trip to Rome?

Congregational Blessing

As we thank God for recreation (re-creation), worship and rest (and football), may the Lord bless and keep you, and see you Sunday. +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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