
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

September 15, 2023


Greetings. In the gospel lesson for Sunday morning, Jesus addresses the subject of forgiveness, a hard subject for us humans. Frederick Buechner believed that forgiveness is the hardest work of love but the refusal to forgive destroys us: Buechner writes, “Of all the deadly sins, resentment appears to be the most fun. To lick your wounds and savor the pain you will give back is in many ways a feast fit for a king. But then it turns out that what you were eating at the banquet of bitterness is your own heart. The skeleton at the feast is you. You start out holding a grudge, but in the end the grudge holds you.”

When we are wronged, God’s way is not revenge, but to overcome evil with good. To bless in some way those who may have hurt or taken advantage of us.

As we look forward to the 8:30 and 10:30 Sunday morning worship services and a new week ahead of us, you are invited to take a peek at the below announcements. As several Sea Islanders participate in a Stephen Ministry Educational Event tomorrow morning at the Providence Presbyterian Church on Hilton Head Island, make the 3 mile walk in the annual Beaufort Walk for Water starting in Port Royal, and attend a stated meeting of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery at the Aimwell Presbyterian Church in Walterboro, we bring to your attention one announcement that did not make it into the Sunday bulletin insert –

In addition to our children meeting on the church campus at 5:00 pm for MADD (Music, Art, Dance & Drama) in addition to our mid-high youth, it’s Wacky Waffle Day for the senior high youth this Sunday evening. Anyone in grades 9-12 are invited to join in on the fun wearing wacky socks and come ready to eat yummy waffles. Everyone is asked to bring their favorite topping for waffles (syrup will be provided). Join us at 5:00 in the youth room on the church campus for fellowship, planning, and devotion. Contact Susan Seckinger (843)812-0432 or Rebecca Angelo (843) 321-1302 with any questions. Hope to see you there!

Peace and Grace, and may the Lord bless and keep you. +


Church Officer Nominations (Elder & Deacon)

The Nominating Committee solicits your prayers as they begin to review the list of nominees provided by the congregation and discern potential candidates for the office of elder and deacon. They are scheduled to announce a slate of nominees on October 1. (Craig Norris, Chair; Kerry Bunton, Brian Chapman, Johanne Golcher, & Debbie Mitchell)

Sunday Morning Small Groups, September 10, 9:30 am

John Partin and Chris Uhall are leading a study in the OT book of Genesis (Room 208), and Laura Dineen and Michalene Roberts will introduce our children to
“Growing into God’s Love.” (Classroom across the hall from our Nursery)

Presbyterian Youth Connection

Children, Youth, & Adults, Today, 5:00 to 6:30 pm As children, youth, and adults we learn to respond to God’s call thru the Holy Spirit to be connected to each other and the world so that our lives proclaim with joy that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Our mission is . . .

To call young people to be disciples of Jesus Christ To respond to the needs and interests of our young people To work together in partnership and learn from one another To be connected to the whole church, community, and world To include our young people in the worship, life & work of our community of faith and the church-at-large

Bell & Choral Rehearsals This Week

Tuesday, 6:00 pm, Handbell Choir Rehearsal, Fellowship Hall Wing
Wednesday, 6:15 pm, Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, Grades 2 – 8
Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Kirk Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

Safe-Haven, After School Tutoring Ministry – Monday thru Thurs.

Working in relationship with the Beaufort Country School District, we receive children Monday thru Thursday, 3:30 to 6:00 pm. We are most thankful for our gracious volunteers and new volunteers are always welcome. POC: Kay Keeler or 843.812.4206.

Stewardship of Time, Talent & Money

Week of September 10, 2023
Worship Attendance: 200
Weekly Budgeted Income: 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received: 12,647 (+ 3.93 %) Thank you +

Men’s Bible Study, Gospel of Luke
Thursday, 12 Noon to 1:00 pm, Room 208

Presbyterian Men’s Breakfast
Saturday Morning, September 23, 8:00 am, Fellowship Hall

This monthly gathering proves to be a good time to enjoy the grace of Christian fellowship, a nice pot of hot coffee, a delicious breakfast, and great conversation..

Wednesday Kirk Night
Fellowship Hall, “You Can’t Take It with You”

5:30 Supper, 6:05 Presentation, Child-Care & Music Provided
September 20, Grief & Planning a Funeral Service w/ Pastor Steve
September 27, Medicare & Social Security Issues w/ Katie Phifer
October 4, Life Insurance & Long Term Care w/ Ty O’Farrell
October 11, Estate Planning w/ Alex Dorobantu
October 18, Hospital, Hospice & Palliative Care w/ Jennifer Massey
October 25, Preplanning & Planning a Funeral w/ Carla Anderson

Congregational Workday on the Church Campus
Saturday, September 30, 8:00 am until . . . .

We will gather on the church campus at around 8 and spend time trimming trees,
cleaning gutters and chipping the limbs until around lunch when Steve will serve
his world-famous burgers. The front ditch and pond edge can always use weed
eating. Not everyone is physically able to this type of work and the date might not
fit your calendar, but if you would like to help we can always use help financially
in renting lifts and chippers to help with the tasks.  POC: Asher Howell,
843.810.3447 or

Beaufort Walk for Water, Thank You

A big “thank you” to everyone who supported yesterday’s 3 mile Walk for Water.
In the midst of climate change and natural disasters, the issue of clean water is
becoming more critical. Our children continue to count pennies, nickels, dimes,
and quarters from the water jug in the Narthex, which they contribute to the work
of Water Mission. Thank you for your generosity +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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