
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

August 25, 2023


Greetings. I was meeting with a group of colleagues and friends this past week at the presbytery office in North Charleston and we started to discuss some of the issues that are challenging the present day church. The conversation reminded me of something that David LaMotte has written about the role we play as Christians bringing about change (where it is needed) in the world:

“Large changes require small shifts, however, we must not dismiss the small efforts of people around us., or our own. It’s not just that they matter; they are often essential. Once more, the question is not, “Am I doing enough?” but rather, “Am I doing what is mine to do?” So what is yours to do?”

As you consider what you are called to do in the world, it may be useful to consider what role your identity might play in your considerations. There may be road signs in the answers to these questions: Who are you? Where are you from? Who do you represent? How do others see you? What do you care about that people might not expect you to care about? What do you bring because of who you are? (You are Changing the World: Whether You Like it or Not, pages 195-96)

The Scripture readings for Sunday morning will help us provide answers. Until then, as a contingent of Sea Islanders make an early Saturday morning drive to the Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church to participate in a presbytery-wide educational event, our men of the church will gather at 8:00 am in Room 208 for coffee, breakfast and fellowship. To reserve a spot at the table (and your bacon), please text Mike Yoakum at 843.263.6133.

This Sunday, a food trailer will be parked underneath the portico adjacent to the sanctuary as we join forces with the St. John’s Lutheran Church, St. Peter’s Catholic Church, and the Water’s Edge Methodist Church in supporting the Food Bank sponsored by the St. Francis Center on St. Helena Island. Critical items include cooking oil (16 oz), flour (2 lbs), sugar (1 or 2 lbs box), canned fruit and applesauce, pork ‘n beans, peanut butter (16 oz), canned meat, canned vegetables, canned pasta, dry creamer (small), mustard (8-16 oz), ketchup (20-32 oz), mayonnaise (20-32 oz), pasta sauce (24-48 oz), jelly 916 oz), cereal, oatmeal, grits, rice (1-2 lbs), pasta. canned tomatoes, boxed mac ‘in cheese, cookies or crackers, ramen noodle soup, canned soup. The center is also open for food drop-off Monday thru Friday, 10 am to 3 pm. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Our point of contact is Chris Uhall, 803.237.3970.

You are invited to take a peek at a number announcements via the below attachment and to visit our display tables in the Fellowship Hall following the 8:30 and 10:30 worship services. The exhibits will highlight the various areas of ministry sponsored by Sea Island and will also provide information about how you can be involved.

As we enter the last week in the month of August (where has the summer gone?) and begin to look forward to the Labor Day weekend, may the Lord bless and keep you. +


Church Officer Nominations (Elder & Deacon)

Information regarding the nominating and electing church officers for the Class of 2025 is available in the Narthex and Office Reception Area. September 13 is the deadline for receiving nominations. The Nominating Committee consists of Kerry Bunton, Brian Chapman, Johanne Golcher, Debbie Mitchell, and Craig Norris serving as Chair.

Sea Island is a Connectional Church

Sea Island is one of 48 churches of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, which has a membership of nearly 14,000 communicants. Our congregation is also a member of the Synod of the South Atlantic with congregations in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina and the Presbyterian Church (USA) which belongs to ecumenical councils and agencies seeking to demonstrate the unity we have in Christ. These include the World Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches, National Council of Church of Christ in the USA, Churches Uniting in Christ and Christian Churches Together.

Presbyterian Men
Men’s Breakfast, 4th Sunday of Each Month

The mission of Presbyterian Men is to lead men into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ and to assist them in their spiritual, personal, and community development. Men of the church enjoy breakfast and fellowship the fourth Saturday of each month beginning at 8:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. The next breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, September 23. Point of Contact is Mike Yoakum at 843.263.6133 or

Men’s Bible Study, Gospel of Luke
Thursdays, 12 Noon to 1:00 pm, Room 208

If you have not yet attended this group of men, the invitation remains and space at the table is available for those who would like to engage in a study, exploration and discussion about what this gospel says about the person of Jesus. Aaron Miller and John Partin have teamed up to lead and teach the group and to facilitate the conversation. Newcomers are always welcome!

Acts of Stewardship
Week of August 20, 2023

Personal, Community, Public & Financial
Worship Attendance: 200
Weekly Budgeted Income: 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received: 12,925 (+ 6.22 %) Thank you +

Children, Youth, & Parents
Sunday, September 10, 5:00 pm

Our Sunday evening gatherings being on September 10 with a hamburger/hotdog cookout, energizers, games, and time designated to hear about our plans for the 2023-24 school year. This is for all second through twelfth graders. Information will be available about youth retreats at Bethelwoods, the Montreat Worship & Music Conference and the Montreat Youth Conference in addition to other upcoming activities and events.

Calling all Presbyterian Women!

(Hint: all women in our church.) Sign up now for our 2023-24 year of fellowship, fun, and Bible study. Circles (small groups) meet the second Thursday of each
month at 10:00 am or 6:00 pm at the church. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex and choose the time that works best for you. Your circle (small group) leader will contact you with more information.

Dues are $25, which includes a copy of our Horizon Bible study book for the coming year (horizons subscribers pay $13 since your book is included.) Make checks payable to “SIPC” and put “PW” in the memo line and put them in the collection basket on Sunday morning or mail them to the church at P. O. Box 966, Beaufort, SC 29902.

Please sign up right away so we’ll have books in time for our fall kickoff meeting and potluck supper on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. No need to RSVP — just come with your favorite dish to share and be ready to meet new friends. Questions? Contact Jeanne Reynolds, PW coordinating team moderator, at or (803) 413-9176.

Walk for Water
September 16, Live Oaks Park in Port Royal

Please join SIPC, a proud sponsor of Beaufort’s Walk for Water on September 16, 9:00 am, at Live Oak Park in Port Royal. Click and find Sea Island Presbyterian Church to register. See you there!

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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