
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

August 18, 2023


Greetings. As we look to the weekend and Friday Night Lights, Sunday is just around the corner. Richard Norris has been invited to share the Sunday message with the congregation of the Bethel Presbyterian Church in nearby Walterboro, which happens to be the church that served as the spiritual home for Richard and his family when he was a young lad. It is an honor to be invited to do something like this and we can only imagine Richard’s thoughts and memories as he returns for the day.

We are pleased to announce that Andrew Byrd, a seminary student and ministerial candidate under our care and that of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, will be in the Sea Island pulpit Sunday morning at 8:30 and 10:30 am. Andrew has done well academically and just completed a summer internship as a student chaplain at Roper Hospital in Charleston. Successfully making his way through his ordination exams, Andrew anticipates graduating in the spring and his ordination as a Minister of Word & Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA.) We believe Andrew to be a rising star in the Presbyterian Church.

A Witness to the Resurrection celebrated in loving memory of Reggie Bythewood will be livestreamed tomorrow, August 19, beginning 12 Noon: with an 11:00 am burial at the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, FL on Monday, August 21, 2023. “Reggie” was more than just a caretaker for our building and facility, he was a respected colleague and friend who often would help us when we encountered a busy weekend. Reggie served in Desert Shield/Storm and was honorably discharged after 20 years of active duty in the United States Marine Corps. Thankful for the words of Jesus who said, “I am the resurrection and the life,” may our friend rest in peace. Semper Fi +

In response to Reggie’s sudden illness and tragic loss, Sea Island has contracted with City Wide Facility Services for custodial services with Frank Stroncheck serving as our liaison and Gwelda Oliver working on site, Monday thru Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

A couple of announcements not included on the bulletin insert . . .

The presbytery is sponsoring a Christian education event next Saturday at the Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church. Workshops are provided for elders and deacons, small group Bible study leaders, youth advisors, and just about everything else you can think of. If interested, please contact Kay Keeler at 843.812.4207 or You may register on site. Having attended several of these events, I can attest to the fact that it is worthwhile to make the trip. It is amazing what you learn and the friends you make from around the presbytery.

Our church is now entering a period where the 2023 Nominating Committee will be communicating with you about potential nominees and candidates for church office, elder and deacon. Please prayerfully consider potential candidates for these respective offices. Nominating forms will be available Sunday, August 27. Craig Norris, Chair, 843.694.4840 or

In closing, following the wisdom of the late Eugene Peterson, when we come together as a community of faith on Sunday mornings to worship the triune God, we are taking the time to interrupt our hectic schedules to see where God is leading us both individually and corporately as a congregation. (The Jesus Way, page 49) As we ponder this wisdom, may the Lord bless and keep you. +


Sea Island Angels/Sluggers in the Field

The Church League summer softball season officially ended last Tuesday withSea Island taking the field against the team from First Presbyterian in a thrilling double header. Both games ended in a tie! Coaches Matt Phifer and Sam Keeler Look forward to next summer and a new round of friendly competition and fun.

Safe Haven After School Tutoring Ministry

All who may be interested in taking part in our after school tutoring program Safe Haven: Please sign up on the sheets in the Narthex or office area. We welcome all who can share of their time one, two, three or four afternoons a week! POC is Laura Dineen, Kay Keeler, or Cassandra Menning.

Men’s Bible Study, Gospel of Luke
Tuesday, 12 Noon to 1:00 pm, Room 208

If you have not yet attended this group of men, the invitation remains and space at the table is available for those who would like to engage in a study, exploration and discussion about what this particular gospel says about the person of Jesus.

Who We Are & What We Do
Sunday, August 27

Did you know that there are over 20 different ministries in the life of Sea Island?Next Sunday, displays advertising the work of these groups will be available in our Courtyard (weather permitting) and entrance way to the Narthex. You might see something new that catches your attention and if you do, sing up sheets will be available. Donuts and coffee will be offered as you walk around the tables.

Children, Youth, & Parents
Sunday, September 10, 5:00 pm

Our Sunday evening gatherings being on September 10 with a hamburger/hotdog cookout, energizers, games, and time designated to hear about our plans for the2023-24 school year. This is for all second through twelfth graders. Information will be available about youth retreats at Bethelwoods, the Montreat Worship &Music Conference and the Montreat Youth Conference in addition to other upcoming activities and events.

Acts of Stewardship
Week of August 13, 2023

Personal, Community, Public & Financial
Worship Attendance: 200
Weekly Budgeted Income: 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received: 13,213 (+ 8.59 %) Thank you +

Calling all Presbyterian Women!

(Hint: all women in our church.) Sign up now for our 2023-24 year of fellowship, fun, and Bible study. Circles (small groups) meet the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 am or 6:00 pm at the church. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex and choose the time that works best for you. Your circle (small group) leader will contact you with more information. Dues are $25, which includes a copy of our Horizon Bible study book for the coming year (horizons subscribers pay $13 since your book is included.) Make checks payable to “SIPC” and put “PW” in the memo line and put them in the collection basket on Sunday morning or mail them to the church at P. O. Box 966, Beaufort, SC 29902. Please sign up right away so we’ll have books in time for our fall kickoff meeting and potluck supper on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. No need to RSVP — just come with your favorite dish to share and be ready to meet new friends. Questions? Contact Jeanne Reynolds, PW coordinating team moderator, at or (803) 413-9176.

Walk for Water
August 24, Water Mission Workshop
September 16, Live Oaks Park in Port Royal

Representatives from the Water Mission organization in North Charleston are providing a workshop in support of Walk for Water at First Presbyterian on Thursday, August 24, with a start time of 5:30 pm. The presentation will provide information about the work of Water Mission, real life impacts and how the upcoming walk helps the cause. A free dinner will be provided at this event. We have about 100 seats available, first come first serve. Click the following link at to see the Evite and when you RSVP you will be prompted to share your name or contact Chris Crooke at 860.214.4301 (cell).Please join SIPC, a proud sponsor of Beaufort’s Walk for Water on September 16,9:00 am, at Live Oak Park in Port Royal. Click and find Sea Island Presbyterian Church.

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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