
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

August 11, 2023


Greetings. The gospel lesson for Sunday comes from Matthew 14:22-33 and is a text that is rather timely especially as we give attention to the personal storms that on occasion threaten our health, sense of peace, and well-being. There are other storms, too. I’m thinking about the loss of life and property in Maui, international tension over Taiwan, a potentially overactive hurricane season, and a plethora of other issues and problems that cause worry and concern.

As the waves battered their boat, Jesus said to the disciples, “Do not be afraid.’ When Peter accepted the invitation to get out of the boat and walk towards Jesus, he began to sink. He was afraid and said to Jesus what I am sure echoes what we have prayed in times past, “”Lord, save me!” It wasn’t long before the wind subsided.

We’ll look at this passage Sunday morning and contemplate what the words of Jesus mean for us in a world that often appears confused, unstable and dangerous.

On a sad note, a valuable member of the church staff, colleague in ministry, and good friend, Reggie Bythewood,entered the Church Triumphant on August 2, 2023 after a brief illness. A funeral service in loving memory of Reggie will be conducted Saturday, August 19, 12 Noon, at the Wilson’s Funeral Home, 3000 N 29th St., tampa, FL 33605 and will be live streamed via with burial to follow on Monday, August 21, at the Florida National Cemetery, 6502 SW 102nd Ave., Bushnell, FL 33513.


Sea Island Angels/Sluggers in the Field

Sea Island defeated our Anglican sisters and brothers from St. Helena last Tuesday in a softball match by the score of 16-12 and leading in the second gameof the doubleheader 6 to 1 when the game was called due to inclement weather.Our Angels/Sluggers take the field again this Tuesday, 6:30 pm, Burton Wells.

Calling all Presbyterian Women!

(Hint: all women in our church.) Sign up now for our 2023-24 year of fellowship, fun, and Bible study. Circles (small groups) meet the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 am or 6:00 pm at the church. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex and choose the time that works best for you. Your circle (small group) leader will contact you with more information. Dues are $25, which includes a copy of our Horizon Bible study book for the coming year (horizons subscribers pay $13 since your book is included.) Make checks payable to “SIPC” and put “PW” in the memo line and put them in the collection basket on Sunday morning or mail them to the church at P. O. Box 966, Beaufort, SC 29902. Please sign up right away so we’ll have books in time for our fall kickoff meeting and potluck supper on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. No need to RSVP — just come with your favorite dish to share and be ready to meet new friends. Questions? Contact Jeanne Reynolds, PW coordinating team moderator, at or (803) 413-9176.

Students, Teachers, Youth Advisors & Tutors
Baskets in the Narthex

Special gifts and mementos are available today in the Narthex for those in our congregation involved in the new school year which is already upon us. If you were unable to pick up one last week, please take on this morning on your way home and know that you were recognized and remembered last Sunday in a Litany dedicated to our students, teachers, advisors, tutors and volunteers. May your school year be one of success, fulfillment, and joy.

Acts of Stewardship
Week of August 6, 2023

Personal, Community, Public & Financial

Worship Attendance: 380

Weekly Budgeted Income: 12,168

Avg. Weekly Income Received: 12,970 (+ 6.59 %) Thank you +

Men’s Bible Study, Gospel of Luke
Tuesday, 12 Noon to 1:00 pm, Room 208

If you have not yet attended this group of men, the invitation remains and space atthe table is available for those who would like to engage in a study, explorationand discussion about what this particular gospel says about the person of Jesus.

Dates to Remember

Aug 26 STEPS training in Charleston

Sept 9 Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery Presbyterian Women Gathering

Sept 10 SIPC Ministries Tables

Sept 14 All Presbyterian Women’s Bible study and covered dish dinner

Sept 16 Walk for Water & Presbytery Meeting, Aimwell Presbyterian Church

Sept 17 MADD for Second through Fifth graders, Mid High Youth 6th – 8th, and

Senior High 9th – 12th Begin

Sept 20 Kirk Night Six Weeks Series Begins

Who We Are & What We Do
Sunday, September 10

Exhibits and displays describing different areas of ministry and service within the church will be available in the Narthex and in the Courtyard around the Celtic Cross.Recuiters (smile) will also be on hand.

Safe Haven After School Tutoring Ministry

All who may be interested in taking part in our after school tutoring program Safe Haven: Please sign up on the sheets in the Narthex or office area. We welcome all who can share of their time one, two, three or four afternoons a week! POC is Laura Dineen, Kay Keeler, or Cassandra Menning.

Walk for Water
September 16, Live Oaks Park in Port Royal

Please join Team Sea Island Presbyterian Church in this year’s Beaufort County Walk for Water to show support for those who walk each day for water, often unsafe water. You may register online at: Upon registering click “join a team” and click Sea Island Presbyterian Church For more information: Chris Crooke @ 860.214.4301.

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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