
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

July 28, 2023


An early weather forecast for the weekend indicated that a lot of rainfall was headed our way from Florida. I think they were right.

To begin, we are delighted to welcome new members Michael (Mike) and Judy Ware, 1003 Ferrets End, Beaufort, SC 29902 who come to us by way of certificate of transfer from the First Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, VA. We continue to visit with a number of new families and inquirers who are interested in becoming a party of our church family.

Cadet Send-Off: One special event not yet advertised is a Wednesday evening gathering in our Fellowship Hall for a personal visit by COL Thomas Gordon, United States Marine Corps, Commandant of Cadets at The Citadel. In addition to alumni and their spouses from around the greater Beaufort area, families with entering freshmen (plebes) have been invited to visit with the Commandant and accompanying staff members. This event has taken place the last several summers and the Commandant’s speech is an eye opener for these young and aspiring students.

Of special note, the Keeler Family (Lillian, Liesle, Laura and Sam & their respective spouses and significant other) cordially invite you (members, friends, and guests of Sea Island) to a reception following the 10:30 am Sunday worship service this weekend as Pastor Steve and Kay reaffirm their wedding vows from 50 years ago. (My how time flies when you’re having fun!) The hors d’oeuvres menu will include beef tenderloin and lowcountry shrimp accompanied by cheese, vegetable and antipasto trays in addition to an assortment of Italian wines and a Champagne toast.

Montreat Youth Conference

Youth advisors Debra Daughtery, Rebecca Polk, and Susan Seckenger and ten of our senior high youth returned yesterday afternoon after a full and wonderful week at the Montreat Youth Conference in North Carolina. They take this opportunity to thank you again for your faithful stewardship, prayers, and support that enables them to enjoy this annual trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains for Christian fellowship and nurture.

SIPC (Softball) Sluggers & Angels in the Field
Tuesday, August 1, 6:30 pm, Burton Wells

We nearly pulled off a major upset last Tuesday when we lost against the # 1 team in the league by one run. Having hit ten home runs in their last game, Sea Island held them to 0 last week. Now the big one as Angels” and “Sluggers” take the field at Burton Wells Tuesday at 6:30 pm against First Presbyterian!

Mid-Week Men’s Bible Study, The Gospel of Luke
Thursday, July 27, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 pm, Room 208

With John Partin and Aaron Miller
The gospel writer Luke was a physician and speaks to our present time about the relationship of faith and science, and how God operates and functions within the human realm. Through the eyes and witness of Luke, we are able to come to grips with the question, “Who is this Jesus and what is the impact of his gospel and ministry on my life and that of the church?” See you Thursday +

Summer Days at Sea Island with our Children
Water Slide & Hamburger Cookout
Thursday, August 3, 9:00 to 12:00 Noon

What a summer we have enjoyed with our young people. Meeting on Thursday mornings around the themes of loving God and our neighbors, we wrap up the summer season with a Water Slide and Hamburger Cookout this coming Thursday. Bring your swimsuit, towel and lounge chair. Food items in the Narthex will also be collected and delivered to the St. Francis Center on St. Helena Island. A big “thank you” to our many advisors and volunteers!

Blessing of a New School Year
Sunday, August 6

Children from Summer Days will present songs and skits as students, educators, school staff, and volunteers in addition to our Safe Haven after-school ministry team will be honored and extended a special blessing. Gifts will also be given to remind them that they are prayed for each day and remembered as they teach, learn, guide, play, inspire, and walk the Jesus walk in a world that may not always be kind and hopeful, yet we, together, can help to make a difference. Children from Summer Days will participate in the 10:30 worship service on that Sunday.

Acts of Stewardship
Week of July 23, 2023

Personal, Community, Public & Financial
Worship Attendance: 190
Weekly Budgeted Income: 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received: 13,081 (+ 7.50 %) Thank you +

Who We Are & What We Do
Sunday, September 10

Exhibits and displays describing different areas of ministry and service within the church will be available in the Narthex and in the Courtyard around the Celtic Cross. Recruiters (smile) will also be on hand.

Walk for Water
September 16, Live Oaks Park in Port Royal

World events continue to escalate the need for safe water and hygiene solutions to under-resourced communities in developing nations. Approximately 50% of hospital beds in developing countries are filled with people suffering from water-related illnesses. Someone dies from a water related illness every 37 seconds somewhere around the world. For the past 7 years, SIPC has been a proud supporter of Water Mission’s Beaufort Walk for Water. Please join Team Sea Island Presbyterian Church in this year’s Beaufort County Walk for Water to show support for those who walk each day for water, often unsafe water. You may register online at: Upon registering click “join a team” and click Sea Island Presbyterian Church For more information: Chris Crooke @ 860.214.4301.

Nursery Help and Assistance

Help! Our nursery on Sunday mornings is filling up especially at the 10:30 hour.
If you would like to volunteer an hour a month or maybe every two months or so
assisting with our infants and smaller children, please contact Laura Dineen at
843.812.6976. Thank you +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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