
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

July 26, 2023


Mid-way through the 20th century, there was a major paradigm shift in the life of the church due to people having greater access to reliable transportation, enjoying more time for leisure and recreation, and yielding to the influences of secularism. And yet, the following statement speaks clearly about the place of the Christian faith in our world even now in the 21st century-

“Fads and fancies come and go, but as long as Christian faith is alive on this earth, there will be communities of people reading the Bible, worshiping God around word and sacrament, serving their neighbors, and developing a theological understanding regarding the content of their faith.” (William Franklin & Joseph Shaw, The Case for Christian Humanism, page xii)

We have also learned at Sea Island that additional events and gatherings help to strengthen our fellowship and growth in the faith –

Sea Island Presbyterian Softball Team

The Sea Island Presbyterian coed softball team goes up against the number one home run hitting team of the league this evening at Burton Wells in a double header starting at 6:30 pm. The team says that we are going to give them a good run for their money. Rumor has it that Dan Driessen, a resident of Hilton Head Island, and former first baseman for the Big Red Machine (Cincinnati Reds) has been added to the roster for tonight. Come out and see!

Summer Days

Summer Days at Sea Island this Thursday, July 27, 9:00 am to 12 Noon, will involve children in rising kindergarten thru rising 6th grade in a third session of learning how we are called to love God and our neighbors and to be a people who are willing to help and serve those in need. Whew! Whew! We are going to have a good time. Remember: Water Slide and Hamburger Cookout on August 3!

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Mid-Week Bible Study in the gospel of Luke is off to a great start and continues Thursday with a one hour session beginning at 12 Noon in Room 208. Jesus is quoted in this gospel as saying that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and the person who humbles him/herself will be exalted. What a challenging statement especially in today’s environment. How important it is for us to integrate our Christian faith into our daily lives. (H> Richard Niebuhr)

Men’s Breakfast

We slide into the weekend with the monthly Men’s Breakfast, Saturday morning beginning at 8:00 am. We have found that the summer months are somewhat difficult for people to slow down even if its for just a brief time for fellowship. There always seems there’s so much to do and no time to do it, but Mike Yoakum who spearheads the breakfast believes this is a good time for you to join us for some good, down-to-earth fellowship. Food prep starts around 6:45 am with the buffet line opening at 8:00 am. RSVP’s are encouraged (Mike hates running our of bacon.) And remember to count your blessings and give thanks to the One who made them happen. (Mike Yoakum, 843.263.6133; .

In closing, our senior high youth group along with advisors Debra Daughtery, Rebecca Polk, and Susan Seckinger return from the Montreat Youth Conference on Saturday afternoon. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and strong support of our youth. In Christ +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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