
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

July 21, 2023


Several years ago, Sea Island enjoyed the friendship and support of the Rev. Archie McRee, an honorably retired pastor from the United Church of Christ. Archie had relocated to Beaufort from Charleston, SC where he served as executive director of the Lowcountry Food Bank and Camden, Maine where he served as the Senior Minister of the First Congregational Church in Camden.

Archie and I enjoyed many a meal at Fuji’s where we would visit about church life and talk about numerous theological issues. My friend has moved again this time to Montana to be closer to family. I miss his counsel, his presence in the pew, and his gracious words of encouragement. I was surprised when Archie gifted me with a book published 1998 and titled “Life Supports,” a collection of sermons selected from over 350 sermons Archie had preached in parish ministry.

In preparation for Sunday worship this weekend, I was thumbing through my cherished gift and happen to notice in a sermon on the Beatitudes where Archie wrote about the theme of peace, “We have to ask God to give us peace before it will come to our homes and before we can see it in our work or in our world … All of us have to make peace first with God and second with ourselves before we can be peacemakers.”

Some of what Archie shared in a sermon at the First Congregational Church in Camden, Maine will serve as the content for the Sunday liturgy as our youth liturgists lead us in the lighting of the Peace Candle. As I look back at our many visits and conversations often filled with laughter, I thank God for our friendship and simply say, “I miss you friend.”

Looking to the week ahead and beyond, the pace and rhythm of  church life at Sea Island is picking up speed …

Montreat Youth Conference – Saturday

Youth advisors Debra Daughtery, Rebecca Polk, and Susan Seckenger are meeting on the church campus early Saturday morning where they will sojourn to the Blue Ridge Mountains with ten of our youth for a week at the beautiful Montreat COnference Center outside of Black Mountain, NC.  They will spend a week with around eight hundred other youth exploring the biblical theme of joy as it is grounded in the light of God’s love and healing power through worship, music, learning, and of course, play! Your stewardship support enables our youth to make this annual trip to which they say thank you!

Church League Softball – Tuesday

Our Sea Island team dropped another double header last Tuesday at Burton Wells but both games were close and competitive as we congratulate our neighbors at Meadowbrook Baptist on their two wins. There is another double header this Tuesday with the first pitch scheduled for 6:30 pm against our cross-town rivals from First Presbyterian. Come on out and support this team of Celts coached by Sam Keeler and Matt Phifer. Victory shall be ours!

Summer Days at Sea Island
Thursday Morning, 9:00 to 12 Noon

Organized and provided for our children of the church, the lesson plans and activities are developed around teaching and sharing with our young participants that God intends for us to love our neighbors and to help others in need. The remaining themes include –

Thursday, July 27, How can we serve the hungry and the thirsty?
Thursday, August 4, Bringing it all Together (Water Slide, Hamburgers & Hotdogs)

Our children have configured your food gifts in the Narthex and dedicated them to the St. Francis Center on St Helena Island. Our young people are making a difference in our community to the Glory of God and the sake of Jesus Christ. +

Men’s Bible Study
Thursday, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM. Room 208

Aaron Miller & John Partin
Men of the Church are invited to share in the examination and lively discussion of readings from the gospel of Luke as we seek to discover and/or re-discover the identity of Jesus and the influence of his ministry on our lives in this early decade of the 21st century. Join the roundtable and make new friends +

Reaffirmation of Wedding Vows & Reception
Sunday, July 30

The Keeler Family cordially invites you to join them next Sunday as they reaffirm their wedding vows from 50 years ago with a reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall following the 10:30 am worship service. The menu will include beef tenderloin with aus jus gravy, low country shrimp, cheese, vegetable and antipasto trays, accompanied by Italian wine and Champagne. Absolutely no gifts.

Nursery Help and Assistance

Help! Our nursery on Sunday mornings is filling up especially at the 10:30 hour. If you would like to volunteer an hour a month or maybe every two months or so assisting with our infants and smaller children, please contact Laura Dineen at 843.812.6976. Thank you +

Walk for Water
September 16, Live Oaks Park in Port Royal

Point of Contact: Chris Crooke, 860.214.4301
World events continue to escalate the need for safe water and hygiene solutions to under-resourced communities in developing nations. This includes providing safe water and handwashing stations in refugee settlements, health care facilities, schools and prisons.

Approximately 50% of hospital beds in developing countries are filled with people suffering from water-related illnesses. Someone dies from a water related illness every 37 seconds somewhere around the world.

For the past 7 years, SIPC has been a proud supporter of Water Mission’s  Beaufort Walk for Water. Please join Team Sea Island Presbyterian Church in this year’s Beaufort County Walk for Water to show support for those who walk each day for water. often unsafe water.

You may register online at:
Upon registering click “join a team” and click Sea Island Presbyterian Church
For more information:

In closing, we are going to recognize and welcome a special group of guests at the 8:30 am worship service and a special guest at both the 8:30 and 10:30 services. Until then, may we enjoy a few days of suspense. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. See you Sunday +

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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