
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

July 14, 2023

Friends in Christ,

Food for thought as we prepare for Sunday. “A place of worship is a place for listening – listening to God speak. But it is also a place for answering, responding to what is spoken. God’s words initiate a conversation. We come together as a congregation in worship to speak ‘through prayer and praise’ with the God who speaks with us.” (Eugene Peterson, The Pastor: A Memoir)

Our Sea Island softball team dropped a double header last night at Burton Wells by the scores of 10 to 9 in extra innings in the first game and 8 to 3 in the nightcap. The games were close, competitive, and everyone had fun. One special item: Robbie Ferguson better known by his teammates as “Fergie” had an inside the park homerun. How often does a fan see that in a softball game? Please watch for further announcements about the July and August schedule.

Our children enjoyed a second Thursday of “Summer Days at Sea Island” and will meet again on Thursday, July 27. As you will see in the Narthex Sunday morning, their food gifts for the St. Francis Center have grown and continue to serve as a witness of our commitment to neighbors among us who are hungry. We are invited to bring offerings of grits, rice and oatmeal this Sunday. Following our third session of “Summer Days” on July 27, “Summer Days” will conclude on August 3 with a giant Water Slide that will tower over the Day School Building at the rear of our campus. Swimsuits, towels, and lounge chairs will be a must.

In closing, as we gather Sunday morning, a small group of our children and youth will use some of what they learned at the recent Montreat Worship & Music Conference to share a story about Esau and Jacob from Genesis 25. Later in the service, we will gather with Jesus and the crowds on a nearby beach as Jesus shares a parable about the seed of the gospel bearing fruit when it is sown on good soil. Hmm? I wonder what the parable might be saying to us?

Exciting News!

Mid-Week Men’s Bible Study, The Gospel of Luke
Thursday, July 20, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 pm, Room 208
With John Partin and Aaron Miller

The late William Barclay from the Divinity School, Glasgow, Scotland believed that Luke was not satisfied with anyone else’s story of Christ. He must have his own. Real religion is never a second hand thing. It is a personal discovery. Professor Arthur Gossip of Trinity College, Glasgow used to say that the four gospels were important, but beyond them all came the gospel of personal experience. Luke had to discover Jesus Christ for himself. See you Thursday!

Youth Camp with the Iona Community Abbey of Iona, Scotland

Preliminary plans are underway for a possible June 2024 trip to the island and Abbey of Iona with our youth landing in Glasgow and traveling by train, bus, and ferry to Iona where the group will engage in projects supporting the Abbey and the ecumenical ministry conducted there. In the Iona program, we will engage in conversation about issues important to young people, explore our faith, take part in creative activities and discover community over meals. There will also be time and space to relax outdoors, explore the beautiful island with its white sandy beaches and profusion of wildlife. Steve and Kay will provide more information and details as they become available. The purpose of the proposed trip is to develop young leaders for the work and mission of the church.

Invitation & Celebration, Please Join Us!

The Keeler Family cordially invites you to join them Sunday, July 30, for a reception in the Fellowship Hall following the 10:30 am worship service as Pastor Steve and Kay celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. The reception will offer beef tenderloin with au jus gravy, low country shrimp, cheese and vegetable trays, and delicious antipasto accompanied by Italian wine and Champagne. Absolutely no gifts! Pastor Richard will officiate and lead the “young couple” in the reaffirmation of their wedding vows during the worship service. Let us relax, enjoy one another’s company and rejoice in the gift of love.

Acts of Stewardship
Week of July 9, 2023

Personal, Public, Community & Financial

Worship Attendance 185
Weekly Budgeted Income 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received 13,363 (+ 1.60 %)

Walk for Water

First things first: Thank you! Last year you stepped up to join the Beaufort County Walk for Water. Thanks to your commitment, we had nearly 700 walkers and raised more than $80,000 to fight the global water crisis. We’re building on that record-breaking success to do even more this year — and we hope we can count on your help again.
Save the date: Saturday, Sept. 16 at Live Oaks Park in Port Royal starting at 9:00 am

Our registration website will be ready soon so you can begin encouraging people to sign up with you. For now, please save the date and help us spread the word to your neighbors, friends, family, co-workers and anyone else you think will want to join us. Thanks for helping us make a life-changing difference in so many people’s lives. For those of you who are new and didn’t walk, please visit the website to learn more about this wonderful organization. Point of Contact: Chris Crooke Mission Committee, 860-214-4301 (cell.)

Summer Days – for rising kindergarten & rising 6th graders

Scriptural Foundation: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10.27)

Focus: Service/Missions – God intends for us to love our neighbors and to help others in need. How can we serve the way God intends?

Lesson Topics

Day 3 (July 27): How can we serve the hungry/thirsty?

Day 4 (August 3): Bringing it all Together (Water Slide!)

Our goal is to fill the Narthex up with food for the St. Francis Center. Grateful for your previous gifts of canned goods and dry staples, we are invited to bring grits, rice and oatmeal this Sunday, July 16. Yes! By way of our children and youth, and your support, we are making a difference in our community to the Glory of God and the sake of Jesus Christ.

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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