
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

December 8, 2024

Life Together

Advent and Christmas Devotional, Henri Nouwen

Available this morning in the Narthex “The small child of Bethlehem, the unknown man of Nazareth, the rejected preacher, the naked man on the cross, he asks for our full attention.” (Henri Nouwen) The Christian education committee is providing one devotional book per family as long as the supply lasts. Each “day” in the book begins with the words of Nouwen. Following the quotation is an excerpt from Scripture, which is related in some way to the beginning quote. Next is provided a small prayer, also built on the ideas from the two preceding passages. Finally, an Advent or Christmas activity is suggested as a way to apply the messages to one’s daily life.

Pastoral Care, Assisted Care Living

Ursala Barrett, Helena Square; Lucy Evans, Helena Square; Port Royal, SC; Herb Jarvis, Franke Senior Living Center, Mt. Pleasant, SC; Brenda Leming, Indigo Hall, James Island, SC; Trudi Peevey, The Retreat; Marion Weihrouch, Sprenger Health Center, Port Royal, SC

Prayers of Intercession

Dave Brown (father of Brooke Coyne), Theresa (Bobby) Caron, Jan (Lisa) Crawford, Bruce Crook, Brian (Donna) Haupt, Doug (Ann) Hecht, Steve (Nancy) Kessel, Sam Kimber (son of Sharon Kimber), Booge Lee (great nephew of Steve & Addie Lee), Perry Lee (brother of Steve Lee), Ray (Ann) Lentz, Janell McClure, Heather McLeod (daughter of Johnny & Candy Harvey), Cassandra Menning, Kirby Murdaugh (friend of Darryl & Kim Poovey) Mike (Nancy) O’Connor, Gary Peterson (father of Sally Dalrymple), Pete (Nancy) Pratt, Doris Reynolds (mother of Barry Reynolds), Shirley Stevens, Heather Titmus (family friend of the Dievendorf’s) & Gail Watson.

Meeting of Charleston Atlantic Presbytery
Tuesday, The Presbytery Campus, North Charleston, 9:30 am

Elders Hugh Gouldthorpe and John Partin along with pastors Steve Keeler and Richard Norris will represent Sea Island as we join other commissioners from our sister churches and tend to the affairs, work, mission, and ministry of the presbytery.

Words to Ponder
Life Together in Christian Community

“Inexhaustible are the riches that open up for those who by God’s will are privileged to live in the daily fellowship of life with other Christians.” (from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together)

Children & Music
This Morning, Room 202, 9:35 am, Wednesday & Friday

In preparation for next Sunday’s Christmas Cantata and Christmas Eve, we invite our children to gather at 9:35 am in Room 202 for a brief rehearsal with Lola Magliano. Rehearsals are also scheduled for this Wednesday, 5:30 pm in the choir room and Friday, February 13, 5:30 to 9:00 pm that will include a Celebration of Christmas, a dress rehearsal, dinner and games.

Wee (Wednesday) Kirk Night, December 11, 5:30 pm

We will gather again this Wednesday with a Soup & Sandwich Supper starting at 5:30 pm in room 208 (you bring your own sandwich, and we provide the soup.) Around 6:00 pm we will continue our study and conversation on Henri Nouwen’s book “Letters to Marc,” as Nouwen writes with the intent of encouraging his his nephew to engage and practice the Christian faith.

Men’s Bible Study, December 12, 12 Noon, Room 208

Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth addresses the issue of division, the subject of what constitutes right-living, the institution of marriage, apostolic authority, the gift of love, the meaning behind the Lord’s Supper and the resurrection. If you are curious and want to learn, there is a place at the table available just for you. +

Presbyterian Women Annual Retreat
Fripp Island, On the Beach, January 17-19

Discover your inner creative genius with fun activities and join us in making a joyful noise as we consider “Reflections on Grace and Mercy.” POC Kay Keeler 843.812.4207 or or Jodie Linn 843.476.1176 or

Christmas Cantata & Pageant

Children’s Choir, Sea Island Ringers & Kirk Choir
and a Special Guest
Sunday, 15, 8:30 & 10:30 am

Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion

Tuesday, December 24
5:00 pm

Upcoming Events

Senior High Retreat at Bethelwoods

February 21 - February 23

Ash Wednesday

March 5 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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