
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

May 12, 2023

Friends and Neighbors,

“When someone asks you where you come from, the answer is your mother.” (Anna Quindlin)

As you know, we celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend. It is a special time to remember and give thanks for the person who has shown us the meaning of unconditional love, patience, kindness, support, and encouragement. I also think it important for all women of the church to know and understand that as the Church is our mother, every woman in a community of faith is a mother for you are the ones who play a significant role in nurturing our children and youth in the Christian faith. The apostle Paul admired a woman by the name of Eunice who was the mother of his understudy, Timothy, for she was the one who influenced her son’s faith in Christ.

In honor of Mother’s Day, the Sea Island congregation will join forces with other Presbyterian congregations in South Carolina by participating in a special offering in support of the five (5) Presbyterian communities located throughout the Palmetto state. This is a ministry extended to older adults who have served their family, community, and church with the gifts of their time, energy, and love for so many years. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

In addition to the announcements you find in the below attachment, members of the Session Council will gather in front of the chancel and pulpit following the 10:30 am worship service this Sunday to receive new members.

Finally, there appears to be interest in entering the local summer Church Softball League. If you have a good arm, a good swing, and enjoy some friendly competition, please contact Matt Phiffer at 843.812.5993 or; and Sam “Wee Willie” Keeler (Google the name. He’s in the MLB Hall of Fame) at 843.81203999 or

May you enjoy your weekend. In all that you do, in the words of Paul the apostle, may the love and peace of Jesus Christ dwell in your heart. Amen. +

Celebration of Marriage

We rejoice with “J.C.” Cuppia and Kelly Schnaubelt who were united in marriage in a ceremony officiated by Pastor Steve yesterday afternoon at the
First Presbyterian Church, Beaufort. And Jesus said, “What my Father has placed together, let no one ever separate.”

Christian Sympathy

“Jim” Fermin, LT/USMC/RET, Beaufort, SC, father of Ralph (Sabra) Fermin, entered the Church Triumphant on April 28, 2023, A Funeral Mass is scheduled for May 22 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church with a Committal Service with Military Honors at the Beaufort National Cemetery. “I am the resurrection and the life.” (Jesus)

Wee Kirk Night – A Mid-Week Fellowship

Wednesday, May 17, Room 206
5:00 to 5:30. Soup & Sandwich; 5:30 to 6:30, Bible Study (Jeremiah)
6:30 to Midnight, Kirk Choir Rehearsal

Montreat Youth Fundraiser

Senior Hi Youth are providing an Egg & Biscuit Breakfast for congregants next Sunday after the first and second worship services. Proceeds benefit the Montreat Youth Conference in July. Please come hungry!

Sea Island Presbyterian Church – Scholarship

Several years ago a Sea Island family anonymously funded a scholarship for our young people attending a college or university within the state of South Carolina. Scholarships are awarded by the Endowment Committee based on academic merit, participation in the community of faith, and plans for study. Applications are available at the Office Reception Desk and are due May 28, 2023.

Important Dates

May 15
Diaconate Meeting, Room 208, 6:00 pm

May 16
Spring Meeting of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery
The Presbyterian Center, North Charleston, 10:00
Mission Committee Meeting, Room 208, 6:00

May 19
Baccalaureate Service for Beaufort Academy, Sanctuary, 4:00
May 20 Graduation Ceremony, Beaufort Academy, Sanctuary, 10:00

May 21
Graduate Recognition Sunday (High School & College)
Egg & Sausage Biscuit & OJ following both Services
Fundraiser for Montreat Youth Conference (July)
Baccalaureate Service, Beaufort High School, Sanctuary, 6:00

May 22
Church Group travels for a 10-day visit to Scotland with stops in Iona, Inverness, Aberdeen, St. Andrews, & Edinburgh

May 28
Pentecost Sunday & Special Offering for Children at Risk, Youth, & Young Adult Volunteer Ministries

June 10
Salkehatchie Summer Service (a service ministry sponsored by the South Carolina United Methodist Conference. Sat to Sat.

Summer Days at Sea Island Coming in June, July, & August for our Children
We will explore how young Christians can support the work of the church providing shelter for the homeless, feeding the hungry, and making clean water available to areas and populations where clean water does not exist.

Acts of Stewardship
Personal, Public, Community & Financial

Active Members 510
Baptized Members 100
Worship Attendance May 7 250

Weekly Budgeted Income 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income Received 13,062 (+ 7.35 %)

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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