
Church Announcements2025-02-14T13:52:50-05:00

May 6, 2023

Children (MADD) & Mid-High Youth
Sunday May 7, 5:00 to 6:30 pm, Waterfront Park
We return to this well-known and favorite spot for our young people as we conclude the 2022-23 school year with a devotion, games, pizza, and “plans for the summer” via Summer Days and Montreat.

Christian Education Committee
Tuesday, May 9, 6:00 pm, Room 208, John Partin, Elder

Wee Kirk Night – A Mid-Week Fellowship
Wednesday, May 10, Room 208
5:00 to 5:30. Soup & Sandwich; 5:30 to 6:30, Bible Study (Jeremiah)
6:30 to Midnight, Kirk Choir Rehearsal

Presbyterian Women – All Women of the Church
Thursday, May 11, 6:00 pm, Covered Dish in the Fellowship Hall
Guest Speaker: Shelagh Wirth, Moderator of Presbyterian Women Synod of the South Atlantic (Florida, Georgia, & South Carolina)

Important Dates

May 7 Potluck Sunday sponsored by members of our Diaconate

May 14 Mother’s Day & Special Offering in support of the Presbyterian
Communities of South Carolina

May 16 Spring Meeting of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery
The Presbyterian Center, North Charleston

May 21 Graduate Recognition Sunday (High School & College)
Egg & Sausage Biscuit & OJ following both services

Youth Fundraiser for Montreat Youth Conference (July)

May 22 Church Group travels for a 10-day visit to Scotland with stops
in Iona, Inverness, Aberdeen, St. Andrews, & Edinburgh

May 28 Pentecost Sunday & Special Offering for Children at Risk,
Youth, & Young Adult Volunteer Ministries

June 10 Salkehatchie Summer Service
A service ministry sponsored by the South Carolina United Methodist Conference. (Sat to Sat.)

Summer Days at Sea Island
Coming in June, July, & August for our Children
We will explore how young Christians can support the work of the church
providing shelter for the homeless, feeding the hungry, and making clean
water available to areas and populations where clean water does not exist.

Acts of Stewardship

Personal, Public, Community & Financial
Worship Attendance Last Sunday: 8:30 – 70; 10:30 – 130
2023 Budgeted Income $ 632,740
Weekly Budgeted Income 12,168
Avg. Weekly Income received 12,660 (+4.05 %)
YTD Budgeted Income 219,528
Offering Income Received 219,528
Plus other Income 8,359
Total Income Received $ 227,887

Upcoming Events

2024 Men’s Retreat

April 4 - April 6

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